Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What news do you share?

What news do you get excited about? What news do you love to share with others? People like to share good news. If you win a million dollars, you would probably share the good news with others. If you were getting married, you probably would not keep it a secret. If you were having a baby you would share the good news. Oh sure you might wait a little while, but you would eventually share the good news with others. Ask any grandparent if they share the news about their grandchildren and they will immediately show pictures. The point is that we share things that we are excited about. We share good news, because we want people to rejoice with us.
So how does this compare with the good news of Jesus Christ? I am under conviction already! I was reading in Luke 2 today about the time the angel came and shared good news with the shepherds. In fact it was good news of great joy. Talk about a double whammy, this news had it all. It was the announcement that a Savior had been born. A Savior was one that would redeem them from bondage and oppression. His name would be Christ, which means the anointed one. He was anointed to lead people from chaos and confusion into peace and harmony. He would also be called Lord, meaning he confronts all time and all ages. Our Lord Jesus came to this earth to be our Savior, our Christ and our Lord. He chose to do so willingly.
What did the shepherds do? Did they horde the information for themselves? Did they go back to tending sheep and have warm fuzzies that night? Did they sit around in a holy huddle that night and sing about the event? Did they go to bed at night and debate with themselves the validity of the news? Or did they sit around and stategize about how best to share the news? No they did none of these things.
The Scriptures states that they shared the news with all they came in contact with. They had been given valuable news of incredible joy and it was news that was meant to be shared. The story does not reveal that people immediately accepted the news, but it does say they were amazed at what they heard. It was not the responsibility of the shepherds to make people believe, it was their responsibility to share.
We should emulate the shepherds. For unlike them we know the rest of the story. We know that the babe of Bethlehem became the Christ of Calvary. He accomplished everything that the angel said he would do. He has offered salvation to people if they will believe. He can lead us from chaos and confusion into abundant living. And He can do these things for eternity. He is Lord. This is good news of great joy that needs to be shared with others. So how are we doing? Have you shared any good news this week? How about this: the next time you share some good news with a friend, an associate or a collegue say this: "I have some good news and I have some really good news can I share them with you." Then share with people the good news of great joy for all the people. Trust God and see what happens. Thanks for letting me share with you today.

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