Friday, September 25, 2009


      Yesterday I started to talk about capturing the vision that God has for our lives.  If we are a child of God, then we need to be in step with the vision that God has for us.  He has a clear mental picture of what we could be and what we sould be.  But not only does He have a vision of what we could be, but He also has a vision of what we could and should do.  The secret is getting in on God's plan.

     As stated yesterday because we were purchased by God we exist for His good pleasure.  We are His and we are to glorify Him in our lives and in our actions.  Everything we do is to be about God and His plan and His purpose for our lives.  Until we discover this purpose, we will never truly find fulfillment in our lives. 

     We often quote Ephesians 2:8-9 which talks about being saved by grace through faith and that it is not by works.  We love this verse because it teaches that there is  nothing we can do to merit God's favor or to earn our salvation.  Our salvation is all up to God and the grace He freely bestows on those who believe.  Yet we very rarely read verse 10 of the same chapter.  Consider Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  We are God's workmanship, we are His masterpiece.  He designed us.  He shaped us.  He created us and He recreated us. 

      You are God's masterpiece.  I think it was Chuck Swindoll who said that if God had a refrigerator your face would be all over it.  I know what you are saying "I don't feel like a masterpiece.  I don't feel very special."  Don't be decieved by your feelings.  God's Word says you are His masterpiece.  Since you are God's masterpiece it means you are a product of His vision.  God has determined in advance what you could be and should be.  You are the outcome of something God envisioned.  Through Jesus Christ His vision has been brought to reality and God continues to shape you and transform you into what He designed you to be until you reach completion.

     However, the vision is not complete with just looking good so we can hang on God's refrigerator or His wall and he can brag to everyone in heaven about His masterpiece.  God had a vision that we would be doing good works.  For this reason, God shaped us and formed us with particular abilities that no one else is able to do.  The reason being is that God has a particular purpose for your life.  He is constantly shaping and transforming you so that you can be the person He designed you to be.

     God has a vision for your life.  He has a clear mental image of what you could be and should be as well as what you could and should do.  The sooner we grasp this truth, the sooner we will see ourselves moving into the land of abundant living.  Jesus said I came to give life to the fullest.  The only way we can enjoy life to the fullest is to get in on God's plan for our lives.  He has a vision and we need to be captured by His vision for our lives.  Then and only then will we fulfill His purpose for our lives.  I pray that you will start now to discern God's vision for your life.

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