Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What do we take for granted?

This morning I was reading in Mark 15 about the crucifixion and death of Jesus. It is always difficult to read of what he suffered and endured as he died a cruel death upon a Roman cross. Do we really understand what he endured? Do we really grasp the magnitude of his sacrifice upon the cross? Consider an important event that happened on that day that does not make the headlines very often. In fact I have often wondered what the religious leaders of the day thought of this event. Mark 15:38 states that after Jesus died, "the curtain of the temple was torn int two from top to bottom." It is an interesting bit of information. This curtain was not a flimsy sheer that could be ripped easily by hand. It stood 15 feet high and was made of very durable high grade embroidered fabric. It was hand sewn and made with great detail. This curtain would be opened one time a year to allow the High Priest to enter so that he could offer a sacrifice for himself and for the people. Only one person entered and no one was able to peek behind the curtain. In other words, what was behind the curtain was kept a secret and was not for public display. Yet, the Scripture is clear that suddenly the way was open for all to see and to gain access to that which was previously off limits. The curtain is symbolic of that which separated us from an intimate relationship with God. However, because of what Jesus did access has now been granted because of his shed blood. There are no other sacrifices that are needed or required to gain access to God. The writer of Hebrews stated where sins have been forgiven there is no longer any sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 10:18). Though I am sure that the religious leaders of the day scurried around to quickly deny access to the holy place, it did not matter. The way to God had been cleared by the blood of Jesus Christ. Yet even today there are people that want to teach that other things must be done to gain access to God. They will teach that we cannot approach Him because we are sinful and in need of something to cleanse us from our sins. Yet the writer of Hebrews states that "we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all" (Hebrews 10:10). He also states "by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." In other words when Jesus died on the cross all our sins past, present and future were paid for by His blood. We often forget that when Jesus died all of our sins were in the future. Why do we continue to allow sin to dictate our lives and control our thinking? Why do we allow others to say that we must work for our salvation? Why do we allow others to teach that what Jesus did was not adequate for our salvation, it was only a beginning? Christ died one time for all time and nothing more needs to be added to His work upon the cross. Yet I am afraid we take what He did for granted. We do not live our lives as if we have direct access to God. The writer of Hebrews states "Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus . . . let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith" (Hebrews 10:19-21). I do not think we truly grasp the importance of being able to approach the throne of God. We could never do that before Christ died for our sins. Now access to His very presence is granted through Jesus Christ. Jesus said He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the father except through him. Two questions you must consider today. First, have you accepted Christ as the only way to have a relationship with God? Second, are you taking advantage of the access to God that Jesus has provided you? Spend time with him daily. Talk to God. Tell Him how much you love Him. Tell Him how grateful you are to have Him as your loving heavenly father. You can do it, because Jesus has made the way possible for you to do so. If you have accepted Jesus as the payment for your sins you have access to God as a loving heavenly father who desires an intimate relationship with you. If you have not accepted Jesus, then you are separated from God and can only know Him as judge. Have you taken for granted what Jesus has done for you? It is my prayer that you will boldly go before God today in humility, but in faith that Jesus has made the way possible for you to crawl up into God's lap and say "Daddy, I love you." Why not do so today.

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