Monday, September 28, 2009

Determine the right vision

      One of the hardest struggles we will have in determining a vision for our life is how to discern between good ideas and God ideas.  We do not usually have any problems choosing between good and bad, but we do have a problem choosing between good and best.  We normally will choose the easy way because it does not require as much from us.  We like to be able to handle everything in our own abilities and in our own power.  As a result we never venture to have a vision that truly challenges us to be all that we can be in Christ.  For that matter, many churches experience the same thing.  They never venture past what they can do so they never truly experience what only God can do.

     So how can we determine between a good vision and a God vision.  A vision from God will eventually feel like a moral imperative.  You will not be able to get it out of your mind.  A God vision will become such a part of your life that you will be compelled to make it a reality.  In fact the vision becomes a burden in your life.  I remember when God began revealing His vision for my life so many years ago.  I struggled with the idea that God was purposing in my life to be a pastor.  I battled for several years with the idea even trying to run from God in the process.  However, something had gripped my heart to the point that I could not find inner peace.  Finally, when I surrendered to the call of God upon my life and His purpose, I had a peace that I could not describe.  Even as I have been in difficult times in the ministry, the one constant has been the original call God had placed on my life or the original vision He had given me.  I sensed that if I did not live according to that vision then I would be disobedient in my actions.  It was a moral imperative for me to live according to that vision.  It has not always been easy, but it has always been right.\

     A second way to determine between a good vision and a God vision is that a God ordained vision will be in line with what God is up to in the world.  A God ordained vision is never about us.  It is a hard concept for us to grasp simply because we are so self centered and self seeking.  We want things our way and we want them now.  However, we lost our right to devise our own agenda and our own plans when Jesus came to be our Lord.  When we begin to get in on God's vision for our life we will soon discover how we fit into God's divine plan. 

     Regardless of the vision God has for your life it is tied to a greater vision that God has for the world.  You are an important piece to God's overall plan.  You fill a unique purpose and God has placed you in a position that no one else is in.  We are all placed in the paths of people at places that only we inhabit.  Only you work in your office in your particular desk.  Only you sit in a particular spot at a desk in school.  You are the one who lives in your house in your neighborhood at this particular time. 

     Whether you are a housewife, a banker, a construction worker, a student, a retailer, or even a pastor you are a part of God's greater vision for the world.  I challenge you to examine your own life and your situation and begin to evaluate what God is showing you.  Don't be afraid to take a critical look at yourself, but also seek wisdom and counsel from others as well.  God will either confirm or correct your vision.  Remember your desire is to discover God's vision not a good vision.

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