Friday, September 4, 2009

We've got talent!

One of the shows on the television that my daughter Abbie has dragged me into watching is America's Got Talent. I admit that I am not really into such programs, but there are moments that this particular show can be interesting and entertaining. Many of the acts that are performing are not that great compared to what we are used to seeing. But compared to some of the other reality shows this one has a twist as it allows any particular talent to be showcased. There was a magician on the show but he was recently voted off the show. There are three tenors from Texas that sing opera style music. They are pretty amazing and being from Texas could be one of my favorites. There is an unusual dance duo where a 98pound woman is able to lift her partner who is well over 200 pounds if not 250. There is the front runner, a Kentucky Chicken Rancher who sings country music. There are dance teams, musical teams and of course Grandma Lee, a 75 year old grandma who tells jokes. There is also a man that performs tricks with his dogs. It is an interesting cast that continues to perform every week in hope of gaining the prize, 1 million dollars and a show in Las Vegas. The thing about these acts is that we would probably never hear about them if it were not for this platform that has been provided for them. For the most part these are average everyday people that are just looking for an opportunity to share their talent. I think that we could learn a lesson from this show. We too have talent that others may not know about. We are looking for an opportunity to display our talent and put it to good work. The talent may not be elaborate or even glamour worthy, but nevertheless it is a talent. The Bible states that every follower of Jesus Christ has at least one talent and probably more. Many people have never discovered their hidden talent. Others have never been given an opportunity to use their talent. But for the most part, people have never even tried to use their talent. Why is that? Because they are afraid of what people might think. Would their be boos? Would you be compared to others and considered that your talent is not much? And worse of all what would happen if you started using your talent and someone did not like it and they decided to vote against you? All these questions come into our minds and then we decided against using our talent. Yet God's word says that if you have a talent you are to use it for the Lord. It may not be preaching or teaching. It might not be singing or playing an instrument. It might not be showy or flashy. It might not even be the one that everyone sees, but nevertheless it is talent that you should be using. Remember, a lot of people on America's Got Talent never made it to the big show, but nevertheless they tried. My fear in the church today is that we have numerous people that have never even tried to for fear of what might happen. It does not matter what the talent is or how old you might be, you have talent! Why not decide today to put it to work. After all there is really on one judge that matters and He is the one who gave you the talent. He will never vote against you. So your audience of one is waiting for you to use your talent. What are waiting for? A million dollars? A front line act at Las Vegas? How about just doing it for a well done good and faithful servant?

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