Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meeting the needs of others

This past weekend was a good weekend for Lynwood Baptist Church, where I serve as pastor. We are a small group of believers gathering together in the Fox River Valley to worship and serve our Lord. We are strategically located on the main thoroughfare between Oswego and Yorkville, Illinois. This past week we were able to help one of our own who is going through a difficult time during this economic downturn. They did not come to us, seeking help, but we were made aware of the need and we wanted to try and help. The early church in Acts taught this as they shared all things in common and no one in the fellowship had any needs that were not being met.

We decided that we would take up a food collection for the family so that they would at least have food on the table. We made the request on Wednesday through email and word of mouth. Of course we did not include the family in need in our correspondance and no names were ever mentioned. I showed my lack of faith as I thought we might need to give the people several weeks to gather enough food. I wanted us to be able to provide the family several bags of groceries to get them through a couple of weeks. However, my faith was much smaller than I could imagine. The people moved by the Holy Spirit provided so much food that we could barely get everything in my car to deliver. I do not know how much was gathered, but it is safe to say that they will not be buying food for a few months. Generally speaking when a church family is presented with a need the church will rise to the occasion to meet that need as best they can.

My wife and I delivered the food to the family and were moved by their humility and gracious heart. They were totally unaware that we were meeting this need for them and their attitude reflected their surprise. However, they also revealed their love for God and others by the words that they shared. They were wondering how they missed the plea to help another family. They remarked to one another during the worship service that had they known of the need they would have provided help as well. What an example for all of us to remember. Even though they were hurting and struggling, they would have still helped another family in need.

The church is the body of Christ in this world in which we live. We are to physically put action to our words. If someone in the church family comes to us with a legitimate need and we can help to meet that need we have a responsibility to do what we can to help. We are His hands and we His feet. Sometimes that might mean giving money or food. More often it will mean being their during a difficult time. It will mean offering an encouraging word and a comforting presence. It will require weeping when they weep and rejoicing when they rejoice. We will need to be involved in people's lives. We cannot meet other people's needs if we do not know they have a need.

Do you know someone in need? How are you helping to meet that need? God has given us so much and we have a responsibility to use His resources to help others and honor Him. We have been blessed so that we can be a blessing. The Bible says that people will know we are his disciples by the way we love one another. Love is a verb. Love is something you do not talk about. The Bible says that God demonstrated his love for us. How are you demonstrating your love for God and your love for others?

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