Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't check your brains at the door.

The title of this posting is taken from a book by Josh McDowell, because we as Christians are often accused of believing myths and fables. We do not have a serious ability to think and we are just mindless robots that have been indoctrinated over the years by decievers and charlatans. The idea is that we as followers of Jesus Christ just accept everything by blind faith and do not really spend much time seriously considering what we believe. Unfortunately there is an element of truth in these statements. You know exactly what I am talking about. The New Testament is full of such examples of people believing everything they hear and then falling into a trap designed by Satan. Galatians is a great example of people who were led to believe a different gospel. However, we see examples of this in our own time as well. We have organizations today that are founded on false gospels and teachings that when honestly analyzed can be proven to be false. Yet many believe without searching to be sure that what is taught is true. Luke the apostle provides a good outline for us to consider even today. As Luke prepared to write his gospel account there were already many others being circulated, ie: Matthew and Mark. However, these were written with a Jewish slant. Luke being a Gentile, wanted to present a gospel that would touch the hearts of his people. As a result he wrote the book of Luke or really he wrote a letter addressed to his dear friend and supporter. Three important things are revealed in his introduction. First, much of the information circulating during his day had been preserved by eyewitnesses and others who were witnesses of the eyewitnesses. These stories and teachings can be trusted because they come from a reliable source. However, Luke goes one step further. He states that he had carefully investigated everything from the beginning. Luke was not content just to accept everything that was passed down but examined everything carefully to make sure that it was indeed reliable. This idea may bother some people because the Holy Spirit is the author of the gospels. Yes it is true, but God chose to use human instruments inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the accounts. Inspiration by the Holy Spirit did not rule out human effort. He spent many years talking with people and investigating the facts. If scholars are correct and his gospel was written in 70-80 AD it would mean he had ample time to track down people to get their story. So Luke did not check his brains at the door. However the important thing was not because Luke had a wavering faith, but because he wanted others to trust the information as well. Luke told his friend Theophilus that he investigated the facts so that he may know the certainty of the things he had been taught. Here is the point for you and I. We believe by faith, but we study and analyze and learn the truth of what we believe, so that we can present it in a way that others will be able to accept the truth as well. We do not have to check our brains at the door when it comes to the Word of God. Don't believe everything you hear, but check it out. Verify that it is indeed what God said and not what one person believes that God said. We must be careful or we will be tossed about by every wind of doctrine that we hear. We accept it by faith, but we can rest assured that our faith is based on fact and not fiction. Every thing in the Bible can be believed. Don't believe me then check it out for yourself. As Paul told Timothy "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

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