Monday, September 14, 2009

Great weekend

It has been a great weekend for the Worley household, or at least for the male population of the household. It was kickoff for football and both College and Professional teams are now in full swing. Around here that means Dallas Cowboys and Texas Longhorns and the Baylor Bears. I know they are all Texas teams, but what can I say, I am a Texan. Even though I live in Illinois my teams are still from Texas. The Longhorns won, the Cowboys won and Baylor did not lose, because they were idle. It was a great weekend for us. For others it was not as great a weekend, the Bears loss so there will be gloom and doom for the rest of the week.
Unfortunately the above criteria is the way many people evaluate their weekend. They live for this time of year or another sports time of year, such as Basketball, Baseball in October, hockey, water polo, soccer or any other sport that can take their mind off the problems in their life. However, as much as I like it when my teams win I do not measure my weekend by these standards. A great weekend for me centers around the Church and the worship of God.
So with that in mind, we had a great weekend at the Worley household. We were able to see our brothers and sisters in Christ, some which we had not seen since last week. We were able to study God's Word together. We were able to worship God through song and prayer. We were able to give our tithes and offerings as we worshipped God. We were inspired by the proclamation of the word. And two people made a public profession of Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. I would say that constitutes as a great weekend.
So how do you measure your weekends? Is it all about sports and time off or is it about the worship of our wonderful Lord and Savior? I always look at Sunday as a tune up for what we will do forever, so it seems that we should take it pretty seriously. Unlike other things that occupy our weekend, worship of God is not a game. It can change your life and the life of those around you when you come in contact with a Holy God who loves you passionately. How are you doing? Did you have a great weekend? If not why not? Perhaps it had more to do with where you put your focus than anything else. I have a great idea, lets put our focus on God this week and then gather together for worship on Sunday. Now that is a gameplan for success.

1 comment:

  1. In this area we have learned not to base our idea of a good weekend on how well the Bears did. If that was the case, we wouldn't have alot of good weekends. Don't get me wrong, I am a die hard Bears fan and love to watch them, but am also a realist. I have come to terms that I will have to be in favor or the Cowboys, unless they are playing the bears. So I will be routeing for your team and am happy your teams did well.
