Saturday, July 25, 2009

Who do you Love?

Yesterday I arrived in Texas to perform a wedding of some dear friends that Gabbie and I have grown to love as if they are our own children. As much as we love them and are excited about them, we were more excited about seeing each other and of course our children. I have not seen Gabbie, Madalyn and Abbie for almost a month and it was great to see those whom I love the most. I like spending time with my wife and children. I love them more than any other person in the world. My wife knows me better than anyone knows me and she still wants to be with me. WOW what an incredible woman!! I am so lucky or perhaps I should say that I am so blessed. She is a blessing to my life as are each one of my children. The truth is that we should want to spend time with those we love. They are a part of our life and we should express our love to them by spending time with them. I know that spending time with my wife makes me a better husband and father as well as a better person. When I am not with her it makes things much more difficult. I have discovered the same thing in my spiritual life as well. I am much more capable of handling life, when I spend time with the One who loves me most, my Heavenly Father. The truth is that we spend time with those we love. How can say we love God and not spend anytime with Him? Our words contradict our actions. If I told Gabbie that I loved her and then said I will see you Sunday do you think she would really believe that I loved her? The same truth applies to God as well. If you say that you love God and only meet with Him on Sundays then maybe you should evaluate your love for Him. God wants to spend time with us and if we truly love Him we should spend time with Him. I want to encourage you to take time out from your busy schedule to spend time with God. If you are not taking time for a quiet time, why not start today. Perhaps it is hard to find time. Get up 30 minutes earlier, put on a pot of coffee, set down with God's Word and read a chapter. Then allow God to communicate through His Word how much He loves you. Start small, don't try to read the whole Bible or even a whole book in one setting. Take baby steps, focus in on a small section. Write down your thoughts and write down what God said to you. It will draw you closer to Him and you will be stronger for having spent time with Him. What you will discover is that the more you do it the easier it will become and the more you will want to do it. Spend time with the One you love. I love to spend time with God, my family, and my church. How about You?

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