Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What am I willing to do?

I often wonder how far I am willing to go or what I am willing to do to bring my friends to Jesus. There have been times in my life when I have been more aggressive than other times. I remember in one particular church in which I was pastor, we were raising money for a mission trip we were going to attend. I told them that I would take a pie in the face to the highest bidder. The staff all pitched in to throw a pie in my face and it was all done in good fun. I think it was like $75 that we raised. Someone was offended that I would do such a shameful thing and I stated that if receiving a pie in the face will help bring someone to Jesus then I will take two pies. Needless to say I did not have to receive a second, but the money was put to good use as it helped to send our team on a mission trip to the Rio Grande Valley to introduce people to Jesus. I have not been as intentional in bringing people to Jesus in recent years, but I was inspired in my quiet time this morning to ask 'What am I willing to do to bring people to Jesus?" In Mark 2:1-12 there is the story of four men who brought their crippled friend to Jesus. They could not get in the door because of the crowd, so they went up the outside stairs, tore a hole in the roof and lowered their friend to the floor in front of Jesus. Think of the effort they put forth to bring their friend to Jesus. Most of us might have walked away if we saw there was too big a crowd. We might say we will come back another day when it is less crowded. But not these friends, they were determined at all cost to bring their friend to Jesus. In digging up the roof it would have required time and hard work, but they were willing to do anything that was needed. The Scripture states that "When Jesus saw their faith" he forgave the man of his sins. The question arises, when was the last time Jesus forgave someone of their sins because of my faith? It is a pointed question, because it means first off that I believe Jesus can forgive them and second that I believed it so much that I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. In the next story in Mark's gospel we see Jesus setting an example for us as well. Jesus called Levi (Matthew) to follow Him and then He went and had a meal with tax collectors and sinners. He was willing to do whatever it took to meet people and share His message. To eat a meal with individuals was a sign of friendship and was the most intimate thing you could do with people. Jesus took a great risk of angering the religious establishment as well as some of his allies, but He took the risk. In the end Jesus said "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." There is much to say about these word, but I will leave that for tomorrow. For right now I must ask myself what am I willing to do to make sure that I bring people to Jesus and share His message with them? What are you willing to do? Let me give you two suggestions that will work wherever you are. First, invite a friend to church, better yet, bring a friend to church. You probably will not have to tear a hole in the roof to do so. Second, have a friend over for a meal and help them meet Jesus. Sounds like it might be something right out of the Bible. The question is do you have enough faith to do what it takes? I pray that we all do.

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