Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rain Out

Yesterday was a rain out for us. I am not talking about a baseball game that we planned to attend. I am talking about the plans that we had for yesterday that were canceled because of rain. Our plans were not very elaborate as we wanted to just sit out by my brother's pool and take in some nice warm Texas sun. We could get in and out as we wanted to and enjoy everyone's company. However, it rained all day and our plans had to be changed. Unfortunately, unlike a baseball game that makes up a rain out we cannot really make yesterday up. We will just have to move on to the next day. We often make great plans for our day, our week, our month or even our life and they do not always work out the way we planned. We adapt and we change and we alter our plans if not on a daily basis then weekly. There are times when the plans we have for our life does not work out the way we think they should. I do not know how many times I have changed direction or moved in a path that I did not originally plan. It can be frustrating and drive us into depression if we are not careful. One thing I have learned about plans is that they must be flexible enough to allow for change, therefore never write them on stone. Write them on paper with pencil so they can be modified as you go along. However, I want to give you another perspective that might make life a little easier, especially when your plans are a rainout. Psalm 139:16 states "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." In Jeremiah 29:11 God states "I know the plans I have for you. . . plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." There are many other verses I could share, but here is the truth I want you to grasp. God has a plan for your life and they do not include rainouts are washouts. So here is the advice I would give myself and you as well. Instead of laying down all these elaborate plans for our lives, why don't we try to figure out the plans God has for us and then follow His plan. It would seem to make much better sense to me. His plans are always perfect and always intended for our best. And the good news about God's plans is they include grace and mercy for when we mess up. Why not try it today or this week and see what happens.

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