Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Difficult times

It was interesting that I read Mark 4 today in my quiet time as it not only spoke to my heart but was right in line with a sermon I am preparing for Sunday evening entitled "How to rise above difficult times." Right now our family is going through some difficult times as my son Jameson and I are living in Illinois, while my wife and Abbie are living in Texas trying to sell our house. Madalyn is there as well, but she will be staying in Texas as she makes a move to Baylor University in the Fall (SIC EM BEARS). As a result we find ourselves long on difficulty and short on faith. There is no doubt that we are doing what God has called us to do as we left Texas to start a new ministry here in Illlinois. Even though we affirm this truth, it is still hard to be separated from your love ones. Gabbie and I really like one another and it is hard when your best friend is not with you. When we consider our situation I admit that there are times that our faith is weak. I think I am in good company as the disciples felt the same thing as they made their way across the Sea of Galilee. In Mark 4:35 Jesus told the disciples that they needed to leave the crowd and go to the other side of the lake. They got into some boats and immediately a furious squall came upon them. Their boats were nearly overcome with water and Jesus was asleep in the boat. The disciples were afraid and woke Jesus up saying "don't you care if we drown?" Stop right there. Have you ever been in a situation like that? If you have not, guess what you probably will be. None of us are impervious to the difficulties of life. Storms are an inevitable part of life. They come in many different ways and at multiple times and you may often ask "God, don't you care that I am drowning here?" Remember the disciples were being obedient to what Jesus told them to do, but they still faced difficulties. The Scripture states Jesus calmed the seas and said to his disciples "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" Okay Lord I get the message, but help me believe. Do you sound like me? Perhaps we like the disciples forget an important lesson during the difficult times, Jesus is in the boat with us. I need to be reminded of this daily and perhaps you do too. Difficult times are not easy, but we need to remember that as children of God, Jesus has promised to never leave us. Let me encourage you wherever you are to trust in Jesus to get you through the difficult times. If you are around on Sunday evening, July 19th drop into the church as we share a message from God's word on rising aboving the difficult times. I look forward to sharing with you and remember we are all in this boat together.

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