Monday, July 13, 2009

I love KIDS!

I think the title says it pretty clearly, I LOVE KIDS! I have four kids that I love more than others, there names are Jaclyn, Madalyn, Jameson and Abbie. Of course two of them are already young ladies, but they are still my kids and I love them immensely and cannot imagine my life without them. But I love other kids as well. Our church is in the midst of Vacation Bible School and I love to see the kids in church, running around the church, laughing and having a good time. I like them to have fun in church. I do not apologize for that either. I think children should have fun in church. There I said it and I will probably be attacked by some blogger somewhere saying that I believe church should be enjoyable and fun. So, what's the problem?? However, there are several reasons that I want them to have fun. First, if a child is not having fun in church, they might not want to attend. Of course they might attend because their parents will make them attend. But is that really the best alternative? By the way I think that parents should make their children attend, but that is another blog for another day. Yet the truth is that if children are having fun at church it will not be a chore to get them to come. Second, if children are having fun in church, they will be more prone to invite their friends to come as well. Kids like to have fun and they like to have fun with their friends. Third, if children are having fun in church, then their parents will more likely want to attend where their kids are having fun. Fourth, when children are having fun I believe the adults are having fun as well. After all who ever said boring is fun? Finally, when children are in church having fun, that means they are hearing the gospel presented to them and they are learning important truths about God. To me this fact is the most important of all. We do not want children to have fun just for the sake of having fun, they can do that elsewhere, but we want them to have fun with a purpose. That purpose is to communicate to them the love of Christ and help them to someday come to know Him as their personal Savior and Lord. I cannot think of anything more fun than seeing children come to know Jesus personally. Here is an interesting fact that shot out at me recently "83% of people who receive Christ do so before they reach the age of 18." Another interesting fact, "70% of church kids leave the church before they are 22." These facts tell me that we must put forth every effort to make sure that our children enjoy church and also learn the truth. We should make it a priority as parents and as church leaders. What do you think? Should church be fun? I hope that whatever church you attend and wherever you worship God that you enjoy doing so. I always have Fun with the Son. See YOU in church.

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