Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is Jesus amazed by us?

Do not let the title of this posting deceive you as you might not like the response. I was reading in Mark 6 today about Jesus ministering in his hometown. It is a familiar story, but like many stories in the Bible we often overlook some of the important truths revealed. Jesus taught in the synagogue of his hometown and it states that the people were amazed by what they heard. However, then they began to question where Jesus received his wisdom and ability to perform miracles and they took offense at him. They were amazed at what they heard, but they did not really take him seriously. I wonder how many pastors experience this in their lives and ministries. There are probably a lot of preachers who amaze their congregation, but they do not really believe anything they say. Wow what a humbling thought. But my blog is not about amazing people it is about our ability to amaze Jesus. The story goes on to state that Jesus could not do many miracles in his hometown except heal a few sick people. Even though the people had heard about his previous miracles He could not do them in his own home town. Mark then states that Jesus was "amazed at their lack of faith." So consider the title of this post again "Do you amaze Jesus?" I had to honestly evaluate my own life and actions as I was confronted with my own ability to amaze Jesus. How many times has he asked me to step out on faith and I was cautious or waited for the timing to be right? How many times have I failed to step in faith and miss the chance to see God do something amazing? Too many to count. But you can ask the same questions as well. I wonder how this question affects the church? How many times has God wanted to do something amazing, maybe even a miracle, but He was amazed at our lack of faith? I don't have an answer, but I know that "it is not really faith until we step out on what we believe." I would love to hear your thoughts. How have you amazed Jesus? Better yet how has He amazed you?

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