Monday, July 20, 2009

Where do I live?

It may not seem like a big deal to you, but I finally got mail last Friday. I have been living in Illinois since July 2, but was unable to get mail delivered to my house until July 17th. Because I did not have proof that I lived in Illinois I was unable to open a bank account and I was unable to register my car or get a driver's license. I really felt bad becasue I was not even getting junk mail that said resident or occupant. I kept telling everybody I was a real person who had a real address, but no one would believe me. They should have beleived me after all I am a pastor. But that fact did not seem to have much weight with them. I even had a paycheck from the church saying that I was a real legitimate person with a real job and everything. But no matter what I said or did no one would believe that I was really a resident of Illinois. I guess I was not really official until the US Postal Service said I was official. But then on Friday all of that changed and I got real mail. And to top it all off it was mail from wife with a bunch of mail from my home in Texas. But I don't live in Texas, I live in Illinois! And of course what was in the mail from Texas? Bills! Isn't that the way it always turns out. I did not live in Texas nor did I really live in Illinois, but they still wanted my money. I guess some things never change. But where do I live? Part of me is still in Texas because that is where my wife and precious girls are. Yet the other part is here in Illinois with my son and my new church family. I have one foot in Texas and the other one in Illinois. I am a man without a home. But I think I am in good companty for Jesus one time said that "foxes have holes and birds have nest, but the son of man has no place to lay his head." Elsewhere, the Bible states that we are just passing through this world in which we live and that our home is not in this world. We are in this world, but we are not of this world and it does not matter what the post office says. So even though I may now be official in the eyes of the government in the eyes of God I am still not of this state. My home is in heaven and my temporary residence is here in Illinois. My heart is on things above and not on the things of this world. I fix my eyes on what I cannot see and look for a city that is not made by human hands. Where do you live? Is your home here or is your home elsewhere. I may recieve mail here (and in Texas), but my address is in Heaven. I hope that is where yours is as well.


  1. Though the post office was slow to acknowledge your residency, over and over God has been acknowledging that you are the pastor He planned for Lynwood. Thank you for your messages that open our hearts to hear from Him!

  2. Just like a V 8 I needed that!
