Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Praising God for little ones

We had a great night at Vacation Bible School as we had 10 children express interest in accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior. We have two more that are also interested but have not had an opportunity to talk with them. It is hard to determine if everyone of these children really understood what they were doing so I am careful to record the numbers just for numbers sake. However, sometimes I think we as adults want the children to understand like we understand before they actually make a profession of faith. Yet when Jesus was pointing to people that we should emulate about being in the kingdom of God, he did not point to Peter or the disciples, but he pointed to the little children who came to Him. The Kingdom of God belongs to those who have simple childlike faith in Jesus. What we must do as adults and as a church is follow through and help them truly understand what they expressed. Nevertheless I am praising God that He allowed us to have a small part in instilling in these children a desire to at least know more about Jesus. I pray that we will all have such simple faith as the children. They know several things that were taught to them last night. There is a heaven and Jesus lives there right now. They also know that because our hearts are full of sin that we cannot live with Jesus in heaven. But they also heard that Jesus can help them get rid of their sins if they ask Him to forgive them and come and be their Savior and live in their hearts. In the words of VBS they were told to admit they were a sinner, to believe in Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord. Have you learned your ABC's as well. Perhaps we as adults need to remember this truth as well. I pray that you are praising God with me for what He has done in the life of these children.

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