Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What to do with my time

Well it is another day in the Worley household and I find myself with too many things to do and not enough time to do them. I know that there are 24 hours in a day, but sometimes it does not seem like enough. I have so much to do today. I have a wedding ceremony to write, some medical stuff to take to the lab at the hospital, take my son to driver's ed, and to the DPS office for his learners permit (maybe I will think about that one). I need to contact Trinity Seminary about my last class for my DMin. I also have a lunch appointment with a friend as well as a marriage counseling session to prepare for and conduct in the evening. In the middle of all of this I need to keep packing and do more packing. Time is not my friend. It is difficult in the craziness of the day to prioritize and meet the demands that the day presents. However, there is still something much more important to do than all of these things and I am not talking about writing this blog. The most important thing to remember is to take time out to spend with God. I know that the whole day is to be dedicated to God and that I am to seek His presence constantly, but I need to make sure that I spend time listening to God. I have been in the middle of a study of Matthew's gospel and I am coming to the end of the gospel with the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. I was reading in Matthew 26:17-35 and saw two glaring events that spoke to me, one was the betrayal of Jesus and the other was the prediction of Peter's denial of Jesus. I know there is much more in the passage, but these stood out to me. I wondered if I might be guilty of betraying Jesus or denying Him. How many times do my actions reveal something other than what I believe? How many times do I say to God "you are my Lord" and then live contrary to what I believe? How many times will I be given an opportunity to stand up for Jesus only to deny Him when the need arrives? These questions are important every day, but especially on a day when I am busy. And believe me everyday is a busy day. I am sure that you resemble this remark. In the busyness of the day I must be careful to guard my witness. I must be careful to guard my words and my actions so that I will not in anyway betray or deny my Lord. It is very easy to do and like so many I fall into the trap on a daily basis. I know that the spirit is willing, but my body is so weak. We must remember to seek first the kingdom of God and allow God to permeate every area of our lives, even our schedules. I hope you will not allow the busyness of life to steal away your love and devotion to the Lord. I have discovered that starting each day with time for God helps the day go smoother and keep Him the center of my focus. Now if I can just remember where I put my car keys I might be able to get something done. Oh well at least I did the most important thing, spent time with God. How do you spend your time? I would be interested to know.

1 comment:

  1. I've also moved several times over the years - you are right- time is NOT our friend when it comes to making a move. We never seem to have enough time to get everything we "think" needs to be done. But somehow, in spite of ourselves, God always seems to get the things He wants done, done.

    Looking forward to your arrival.
