Friday, June 26, 2009

Am I a mocker?

I was challenged by God's Word today that my faith must really look inconsistent to God. I am amazed at how patient He is with me and what He allows me to do or not do. I was reading in Matthew 27:27-44 and was immediately hit with a parallel in my own life. The story talks about everyone that witnessed the death of Jesus as mocking Him continually. The soldiers mocked him (29, 31). The bystanders mocked him, (39). The religious leaders mocked him, (41). And even those crucified with him mocked him, (44). They made fun of Him and doubted everything He said about Himself. Here is the dilemma for me, do I mock Jesus in my life as well? Stay with me on this. I believe that I am saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. I believe my eternal destiny is secure. I trust Him with my life and my future home. This fact is a given. But the problem is do I really trust Him with my today? For example, as my family moves to Illinois I know that I need to sell my house. Do I trust Him to do so or will I take matters into my own hands? I know that it is not good that Bruce be alone, yet do I trust that God will be able to take care of the situation? But even on the most basic points of our life do we really trust God to take care of us? We say we believe that He can save us, but yet by our lack of faith in the daily routines of life we show such little faith. Are we mocking Jesus by suggesting that He is not able to take care of us? Perhaps mocking is too strong a word, but it was the one that was used on that day. They doubted He was the Savior of the World. I don't doubt this, but do I believe He is my provider and the one who can meet my needs? Perhaps we believe, but we need help with our unbelief! How about you? What does your life of faith look like to God? What does it look like to those that are watching You? Do you trust God in every detail or are you like me and want to take matters into your own hands? I don't want to mock God by showing a lack of trust, so everyday I have to ask God to increase my faith.

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