Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Going the Distance

Today I was reading in the book of Matthew in particular 26:57-75 about the trial of Jesus and the denial of Peter. I know the main character of the story is Jesus, but I was drawn to Peter a secondary character in the drama. I guess in the story of life, Jesus should always be the focus and we should be secondary, but that is another blog. Anyway I observed how Peter followed Jesus at a distance as they led Him away for His trial. Things were heating up in his life and his love for Jesus compelled him to follow, but he was not totally willing to be identified with Jesus. I wonder how many times in our life we follow Jesus at a distance? That was the question I put to myself today. Think about the story. Peter had previously told Jesus "even if all fall away on account of you, I never will." What arrogance! What a brash statement to make! He was bold in his statement of commitment to Jesus. Of course he made this statement while he was with his friends. He made this statement in the comfort of his friends and when the heat was not on so to speak. I think he meant what he said, but as he so often did, he spoke without thinking. Sounds like someone else I know. No wonder Peter is called the disciple with the foot shaped mouth. Anyway back to us, how many times have we made bold arrogant statements about our commitment to Jesus while we were in the company of fellow believers? We think we can stand firm in our commitment all the time and everytime. Yet the minute we are away from them and the heat is on to stand up for Jesus, we follow at a distance or we deny Him altogether. I know that my life often reveals this truth as much as I hate to admit it. Before we are too hard on Peter and think that we would never do what he did, remember Mark's gospel says that all the disciples said the same thing. In our arrogance we might think we can stand firm, but we must remember that our enemy is strong and he wants to devour us. In fact if Jesus had not interceded for Peter it could have been much worse. In Luke's account of the same story, Jesus tells Peter "Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Wow, what a story. Jesus knew Peter would fall away so He prayed for him to come back better than before and be an instrument God could use to strengthen others You know it is real easy for us as followers of Jesus Christ to shout Amen, and praise the Lord and I surrender all when we are in the presence of other believers. But the real test of our faith is how we stand up for Jesus in the public arena. Will we follow Jesus at a distance or will we take a stand for Him? At any moment any of us can fail in our commitment to Jesus. I recognize this truth in my own life. I am not Peter and if he needed Jesus to pray for him, I know that I do as well. But the good news is that God can still use me to help others after I have returned. I am so glad that God gives us multiple chances to go the distance and follow Him all the way. My hope and my prayer is that all of us will learn that God is not through with us because sometimes our faith is weak and shallow. In fact God wants to use our weakness to help make others strong. But that is another story, but right now the question is are we willing to go the distance for Him?

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