Monday, June 22, 2009

Moving again

We are in the process of moving once again as we answer a call to move from Texas to Illinois. It seems that the last few years of our lives has been one move after another. In the process of packing it has become quite clear that we have accumulated many things over our 27 years of marriage and the many different places we have lived. Many of these things are useful and beneficial to our lives. There are other things that are treasures that we have collected over the years and have sentimental value to us. I am sure there are some things that we could do without, but trying to decide which ones to keep and which ones to discard is probably harder than just keeping everything. However, just as in our physical lives we have accumulated many things I think it is true in our emotional and spiritual lives as well. Because of our past we take with us fears and doubts about what might happen in our lives and in the ministry to which God has called us. Often times these fears and doubts can immoblize us where we never venture into the unknown. The truth is that all of us have some type of baggage that we bring with us in this journey we call life. Some of the baggage is good, while others may not be as beneficial. Baggage such as guilt and condemnation certainly are not beneficial, but they often seem to be the ones we keep closest to us. It seems that we treat them like an American Express card, you know "Don't leave home without it." But that does not seem to be the best option. I think I would much rather leave guilt and condemnation in the trash bin when I move. I certainly do not want to place it in one my boxes that I can open at a later date. And I also do not want to carry it with me in my suitcase or overnight bag. I hope you are not like me and constantly bring up things that are not beneficial in your life's journey. I love to constantly quote Romans 8:1 "Therefore, there is NOW no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." I like this verse, but Satan has a way of trying to condemn me if I will let him. Perhaps you are struggling with past failures and disappointments in your life. Maybe you are still beating yourself up like I often do. Learn an important truth as you journey through life "throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles" (Hebrews 12:1) and run the race that God has set before you. Don't carry with you those things that will cause you to stumble and not all of them are bad, they are just not the best. I think I am going to take my own advice, or should I say God's advice and get rid of those things that hinder me. Now if I could just put this to practice as I pack for our move, but that is another story. Talk to you later to see how you are doing in life's journey.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this encouraging reminder...
