Saturday, June 27, 2009

Navigating the road of life

I would like to take some time off so that I can relax and take it easy, but because I am loading the moving truck on Monday, I still have much I need to get done. Most of the work is done, but there are still a few things I need to tackle. I need to remove everything from the attic and I still have some things in the kids rooms that needs to be boxed up as well. So I guess there is no time off for me. There are times in our lives when we need to take a break from our busy schedules. We get pulled in so many directions and then when we are not being pulled, we are being pushed in another direction. So many things make demands upon our lives. We become so involved in everything going on around us that it is difficult just to take a break. At least I know it is that way in my life, especially with two teenagers. Those of you with teenagers know exactly what I am talking about. My son, Jameson is in Driver's Education right now. I was going to teach him myself, but just did not have the time to really help him. So we enrolled him in the class so he would learn how to drive properly. He is in class in Bryan, Texas, so those of you outside of the Bryan / College Station area should be safe for now. The point is that I wanted to make sure Jameson got the proper instruction he needed so he could be the best that he can be at driving. I think we could all make the same decision when it comes to getting the best training we can in our spiritual life as well. Often times we try to go it alone in our spiritual development. We think we can do it better than anyone else. However, I would submit that we would never make the same decision with our medical, dental or educational needs, so why should our spiritual needs be any different. We should take responsibility for our spiritual growth, and that includes seeking out others who can help us grow. I know that I don't have all the answers and I'm a pastor. I know that I have to read books and listen to others so that I can be challenged and encouraged in my own Christian walk. As much as I believe in studying the Scripture to grow in my relationship with the Lord, I also believe that iron sharpens iron. My life has been enriched by the contributions others have made in my life. I also believe your life would be enriched as well. I start my new position as Pastor of Lynwood Baptist Church in Oswego, Illinois on July 5. I am excited about the opportunity and can't wait to pour my life into the wonderful people at Lynwood, but I also cannot wait for them to pour their lives into me and my family as well. I think others could benefit from a local group of believers as well. If not Lynwood, then somewhere else. Find a church that can help you navigate the road of life and teach you how to be the best that you can be. No one jumps in a car and learns the rules of the road by osmosis. We must have a guide to help us. The same thing applies to the Christian life as well. Get involved in a church and be all that God intends for you to be. See You in Church.

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