Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday morning lookback

      This past weekend was a good time of reflection and remembrance as Lynwood Baptist Church celebrated it's 50th year of ministry.  The core team has been planning for this event for almost a year and it was great to see the local body come together to make the anniversary special.  A 50th anniversary only happens once, but it will be remembered for a long time.  A special thanks to everyone involved for making it happen. 

We began the weekend with a trek to the original location of Lynwood, which was called New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in the beginning. The church met in Bristol Station in rented facilities.  Below is a picture of our first location.

It was the beginning of something special as Pastor Tom Winchester began preaching at this location.  It was great to hear the stories from brother Tom of those first few years at this location.  It was funny to hear the stories of the indoor outhouse that was behind the platform.  Those beginning days were marked with excitement and anticipation as God moved in the lives of the early church to plant a witness in the Fox Valley. 

Eventually the church purchased property on Highway 34 and erected their first building, which would later become the parsonage.  It was designed with the worship facility on the top floor and education space in the basement.  Brother Tom said it cost $16,000 to build the building, which was a significant amount for the young church to pay.  Most of it was built by church members and a handful of volunteers.  The church moved from Bristol to their new location in 1963.  Below is the church as it appeared during that time.  Brother Tom shared many stories of worship in that first permanent building.  He said it originally would hold 100 people for worship and had a small nursery in the back of the auditorium. 

      Brother Tom stayed at Lynwood Baptist Church for 5 years until he sensed that God was ready to move him elsewhere.  He eventually was led to start another mission church down the road in Newark, Illinois, where he stayed for 28 years as pastor of First Baptist Church, Newark.  The church continued to meet in this building for several years under the leadership of two pastors, Reverend Collier and Reverend Cupples.  Under the leadership of Reverend Cupples the church built another facility and converted the existing building to a parsonage for the pastor.  The building was built in the 70's, and originally looked like a red barn or so I have been told.  The church was painted white and is still in use by the body of believers that meets there today.  The building has added an educational wing and has been renovated a few times, including the steeple that is in the middle of the roof.  Former pastor Richard Van Cleave has a wonderful story about the addition of the steeple.  It was great to see the video of the steeple being erected .  Here is a picture of the church as it looks today.

    There have been many people that have come through the doors of Lynwood Baptist Church.  The original members are gone and there are a handful left from earlier times, but God is still moving in the body of believers to continue what was started in the beginning of Lynwood's history.  Lynwood now sets on the major roadway between two of the fastest growing cities in the area.  Even though the economy has slowed down much of the growth, I believe it is for a purpose.  The slow down allows Lynwood to regroup, refocus and reenergize for the task that lies ahead.  God has great plans for this body of believers for the next 50 years.  I like to tell everybody that we are built on a strong foundation to build a bridge to the future.  I thank all the pastors that led this body before me and the many members that have sacrificed to continue a viable witness in the community.  God is still moving in the hearts of our congregation today to reach out to our community with the love of Christ.  We are trying to incarnate the message of the gospel by loving God and loving people in real tangible ways.  Lynwood Baptist Church has a great past and a wonderful future.  Below is what our future building will look like as we work together to continue our task. 

To God be the Glory.  Great things He has done and He will continue to do so as we move into the next 50 years of faithful ministry in the Fox Valley.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do.  If you live in the area and want to be a part of our exciting future there is no better time than now to join us as we strive to serve our Lord.  We can make a difference if we will join together with God in what He is doing. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!! What a wonderful God we serve! I loved what my Beth Moore study of David said...."...not one of those years was wasted. God taught His servant that submission to Him is the best preparation for an assignment from Him...Each trial prepared a man after God's own heart to do a work after God's own heart..."
