Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Does God understand?

     Have you ever wondered if God really understands what is going on in your life?  Do you question if He knows your address or is aware of your circumstances?  If not, then you probably do not need to continue reading this post.  But if you are like me and have these questions then continue reading and hopefully we can find some assurances together.

     There are many people like me that wonder if God is listening or if God cares.  You know I have a house to sell and have been praying for several months that God would send someone to buy my house.  Yet as of today He has not answered my prayer, or at least in the way that I think He should.  Hello, God this is Bruce can you hear me?  Have you ever felt like this in your life?  Sometimes we wonder do we not?

     I heard a story once that helped me in my struggles and continues to do so today. There was a family that lived in Kansas that went through a tornado that destroyed their home.  From that point on the little daughter became frightened every time the sky darkened and storm winds began to blow.  In her mind's eye another tornado was approaching.

     One evening a terrible thunderstorm developed.  The torrential rain pour, the loud thunder and the cracking of the lightening frightened the little girl.  When it was time for her to go to bed, she was afraid to go upstairs to her bed.  Her parents took her to bed and tucked her in.  However from the living room down below the could hear her crying, so her father went upstairs to see if he could calm her fears.

     He tried to console her and told her "there's no reason to cry.  It is only a thunderstorm.  It will soon be over.  There is no reason to be scared or afraid."

     The little girl responded to her father, "Yeah, Daddy, that's easy for you to say you don't know what it's like to be little!"

     We often times are like this little girl.  We go through difficult times and we wonder if God really knows what we are going through.  Does God know what it is like to be human?  Does He know what it is like to be like me?  That is the message of the gospel.  The Bible is clear that God does understand.  The incarnation of Jesus Christ reminds us that God knows exactly what it is like to be human.  Because He knows, He understands us, even better than we understand ourselves.  No other religion has a God who understands. 

     Paul states that Jesus took "the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man."  Jesus was just like you and He was just like me.  He went through difficult times in His life as well.  He knows what it is like to hurt.  He knows what it is like to lose someone He loved.  He knows what it is like to struggle.  He knows what it is like to suffer.  In fact the writer of Hebrews states that we have a God "who has been tempted in every way, just as we are."  God understands and you do not have to wonder if He knows your situation.  He wants you to cast all your cares upon Him because He cares for you.   Be encouraged in whatever situation you are in.  God knows and He cares.  I pray that you will sense God's presence in your life today and from now on.  Blessings to you as you go through life.

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