Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is church important for spiritual growth?

      This week I had a young lady and her 8 year old daughter show up at my house looking for some help.  It was not spiritual help she was looking for, but financial help.  As we talked very briefly about things I asked her if she went to church anywhere.  She told me she prayed and she read her Bible, but she did not attend church anywhere.  I have heard this story hundreds of times.  I talked to her about the reasons that she needed to be in a fellowship and she nodded her head in agreement, but I do not know what she will do with this information. 

     It is amazing how many people do not attend a church anywhere, but they always know to go to a church when they need assistance.  I have opinions on why this happens, but that is not the purpose of this post.  The purpose of this post is to ask is church important for spiritual growth?  You might be surprised how many people believe that it is not important.

     A study conducted by the Barna group in 2006 had some alarming news for the church: Less than 20 percent of American adults believe participation in a congregation is critical to spiritual growth, and just as few agree that participation in a church community will help them reach their full potential spiritually.

     Is this not a wake up call for church leaders everywhere to realize that traditional church alone as we've known it is not going to be the most successful model for reaching the lost?  Here is the struggle that we have as a church.

     The world, even when they are searching and longing for spiritual growth, isn't even looking to the church as a possibility for that growth.  According to this survey 4 out of 5 people do not view the church as a valuable source for spiritual growth.  The church has lost it's salt.  The church has ceased to be light.  80% just don't believe the church to be valuable to them except for maybe a wedding or a funeral (by which time it will be too late).

     Even those who attend the church have a diminished view of how the church can and will help them.  A growing percentage of those still involved in the church disagree that being a part of the church can help them reach their full spiritual potential.  Other studies reveal this same truth.  A growing number of Christians feel they are spiritually fit while not being involved in any local church.

     So what do we do as a church?  What do church leaders do?  Do we continue to do church as usual and reach out to the 1 out of 5 who say the church is relevant?  Or do we try something different?  I know I don't have very many answers.  And perhaps I just use this post to express my ideas (opinions) to an audience of one.  But I believe in the church.  I believe it is the most important institution on earth.  I know this truth because the Bible says that Christ died for His church.  The church is the bride of Christ. 

     Over the next several days I want to talk about some things I have gleaned from research and by experience (very little I may add) and see if we might find some truths that will help the church be relevant in this generation.  I hope that you will dialogue with me and perhaps as we combine our stories and our knowledge we will gain a better insight in to the church and the ministry of the church to this world in which God has placed us.  I hope to hear from you soon. 

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