Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Facebook Friends

     I have finally moved into the 21st century when it comes to technology.  I finally created a facebook page for myself.  I have been resistent to doing so, but I decided it was about time that I entered into the internet for communicating and connecting with friends past and present.

     I was resistent because I was afraid that I would have no friends to connect with.  I look at my wife's facebook and everyone wants to be her friend and I thought maybe God might humble me and no one would want to be my friend or they might be a sympathy friend.  I know it is hard to believe, but sometimes being a pastor can be a lonely business.  Pastors are friends to everyone, but have difficulty being close to anyone.  It is not by choice, but often it is by necessity.  There are times when pastors have to make tough decisions and it may not be popular.  When those decisions affect friends it makes it much more difficult.  It also may hinder a pastor from making a decision because it might affect his friendship with someone.

     I remember in one church were I was pastor I had a staff member whom I loved dearly.  I thought he had wonderful potential, but the people in the church kept telling me to get rid of him.  He was rough around the edges, but had a great heart for worship and connecting people to God.  They basically informed me to either ask him to resign or they were going to fire him.  You know what the people did not like about him?  He led the church to sing contemporary songs.  Of course he did so at my direction.  But the point is that this guy was my friend and I had to make a decision that was heartbreaking about him.  Perhaps I was a wimp when I think about it, but that is another post. 

     This scenario could play itself out in many different ways.  When we do not want to damage a friendship it may keep us from doing the things that truly need to be done.  As a result many pastors live on an island with only a handful of close friends.  We want to please everyone and in so doing we really please no one.  I am reminded of the old story about an old man and his grandson who made their way into town on a donkey. The grandfather put the boy on the donkey until he heard people say, "Look at that selfish child making that old man walk!" The grandfather couldn't stand to have people criticize his grandson, so he asked the boy to walk while he rode. Then he heard the people say, "Look at that selfish old man riding and making the poor little boy walk." So he got off and they both walked. Then he heard the people say, "Look at those stupid two people. They've got a donkey and they're not even using it." So both the man and the boy rode the donky together. Then they heard people say, "Look at those cruel people abusing that poor animal!" They are going to break his back with that load!" They finally walked into town carrying the donkey!

     The point of the story is obvious, there is no way we can please everyone.  I have since gotten over myself and the thought that no one would be my friend on facebook.  I am not overly concerned if they do or they don't.  I cannot please all the people all the time so I don't try.  I have a hard enough time trying to please some of the people some of the time.  
     Think of your own situation.  Does your friendship with others keep you from making difficult decisions.  For some of you that might mean you have to tell your friends you can no longer do the things you did at one time.  It might mean you can't hang in the places you used to hang.  It might mean you cannot socialize with certain people because they might lead you down a path you cannot go.  Friendship is not easy and sometimes it makes demands on us.  But a true friend will love at all times, even if it means making the tough decisions.

     Ultimately we have one friend that we can always count on.  He will never leave us and he will always speak the truth to us.  He will never stop loving us and will be there in the good and the bad times.  As the old song said "What a Friend we have in Jesus."  I wonder if Jesus had a facebook would I be his friend?  More importantly would He want to be mine?  Now that is something to think about.  What do you think?  Have you ever wondered if Jesus would be your friend on facebook?


  1. I will stand by you no matter what decisions you do or don't make. When you make a mistake, I will support you. When you get it right, I will sing you praises! Thank you for encouraging me and our family to stand firm even in the midst of adversity. We are stronger for that!

  2. I believe that Jesus teaches us to love through the ups and downs, the goods and the bads, the joys and the tears, the beautiful and the not so pretty....if we are to be like Him, we have to learn to love as He loves....

    It is challenging sometimes to love that way, and I make mistakes like everyone does...

    I am thankful that God sent you to us as our pastor and seek to be a person who loves as He wants us to. Thank you for being willing to love our church family through our ups and downs as well.
