Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where are the men?

I was reading an article the other day that talked about a Christian book store that was closing.  Maybe we have become so used to things closing in this day and age that the closing of a Christian book store does not merit our attention.  But there was some remarkable data that came from this store that has greater implications for us.

The book store released some information about the demographics of their customers.  80% of the sales at the book store were to women.  Another 10% of the sales were to churches in general.  The other 10% were classified as other.  So what do these demographics reveal?  They reveal that at the most only 10% of the sales were allocated to men.

I personally was alarmed by this study.  It caused me to wonder where are the men that are buying Christian books?  I know there will be some that will say the men are buying their books online where they can save money.  But I doubt very seriously if men shop on line to say money on a book.  Perhaps the men are buying ebooks and downloading them to their Kendal or their Ipad?  You can choose to believe that if you want, but I know a lot of men and it is not happening.

What are men doing?  They are watching sports, playing sports or doing other manly things, so to speak.  They don't have time to involve themselves in other pursuits.  They work hard and play harder.  Any spare time they have cannot be wasted on such things as books, especially spiritual books.

However, perhaps the indication that men are not interested in spiritual things might reveal a greater problem in our world.  For too long we men have left spiritual things to our wives.  Church has become a place for women and children.  When someone looks for leaders in the church it automatically falls on the women, because the men are no where to be found.  Don't believe me?  Ask the following questions.

Take a look at the typical church on Sunday Morning. 

What do you see?  How many men are involved in teaching, especially teaching children? 

How many men are involved in leadership positions in the church?

Now look at Sunday evening if your church still has an evening worship.

How many men are present?

How many men are involved in children's ministry or youth ministry?

Now think of ministry in general.

How many men are stepping up to the plate to lead in ministry?

What are the men doing to provide a godly example to others?

My point is not to condemn men, but to bring things to a reality that so few of us men want to face.  We are to be the spiritual leaders of our families and that leadership does not stop at the church.  We are to be the leaders in the church. 

Where are the godly men?  I think it is a question we as men need to answer.

On a side note:  Praise be to God for the women who have stepped up to fill the void.  Your children will rise up and call you blessed and you will be greatly praised.  Without you where would the witness of the church be?  

Men will you wise up and rise up? 

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