Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Passing of a friend

     Yesterday my wife and I received word that one of our dear friends lost her battle with cancer and passed away.  Lisa was a dear friend, but we have not been in contact in several years.  She leaves behind a husband and two children and will be missed. 

     This family were good friends of ours and we hung out together quite often when we were younger.  We attended the same church and would spend time at their house and they would spend time at our house.  We would play games such as Rook and Win, Lose or Draw and just have a good time together.  Their two children were the same age as our oldest girls and so it made our friendship even more special.  We once took a vacation to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico with them and it was her husband Doug that was my parasailing buddy while we were on the vacation.

     We also worked together in the youth department of our church.  Doug and Lisa taught the 7th and 8th grade class, our other friends taught the 9th and 10th grade and then Gabbie and I taught the 11th and 12th grade.  Along with the Youth Minister Mark we called ourselves the four horsemen of the Youth department.  It was a great time of growing, serving and loving on teens together.  We made an impact on a lot of young lives in those years.

     It was with Doug and the rest of the guys that we comprised our first rap song.  Yes you heard that right, we did a rap song.  The intention was to get the attention of the youth group during that time.  Can you imagine what went through their minds as the 20 something guys began to rap.  We had the sun glasses and started rapping you better believe that we had their attention.  I still remember my part:  "God made Adam, God made Eve, then He told them never to leave."  I had more, but that was the part I remember the most.

      The point is that we shared history with this couple and they were dear friends.  We began to drift over the years after I accepted my first pastorate and moved away.  We would occasionally talk and see them, but over time we lost contact accept through mutual friends.  However, they are still a part of our life and she will be missed. 

     But I am encouraged that she is in a much better place now and that she is healed of all her sickness.  She is no longer suffering any pain and there are no longer tears.  The reason I can have such encouragement is because Lisa was not just a friend, but she was my sister in Christ.  Because of her relationship with Jesus Christ I know exactly where she is this very day.  She is safe in the arms of her loving heavenly father because she had placed her hope of heaven through faith in Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior.

     For this reason I do not greive like other people, because I know where she is at this very moment.  Paul told the Thessalonians "Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.  We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep."  He later goes on to say that we will be with them forever someday.

     Even though my heart is sad and I wish I could offer some comfort to my friend Doug, I am encouraged that someday we will see Lisa again.  We have our hope in Christ Jesus who gives us victory over death.  Michael W. Smith sang years ago "Friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them."  Lisa will be our friend forever.

     Let me encourage you two ways today.  First, pick up the phone and reconnect with old friends.  Do not wait until it is too late to tell them you love them.  Second, make sure that you know where your hope lies beyond this life.  Place your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord of your life and experience victory over death.  If you would like to know more about a relationship with Jesus Christ drop me a note and I will get back with you. 

Lisa we love you and though I know you are in a far better place we will miss you.  But we look forward to the time when we can see you again. 

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