Monday, February 1, 2010

Cap'n Crunch to start the day

      The other morning I woke up and was looking for something to have for breakfast.  I looked at the many choices I had from which I could choose.  I had such choices as yogurt, blueberries, and granola, which is one of my favorites.  I could have had toast and eggs, or possibly toast without eggs.  I also could have had oatmeal or cream of wheat.  We also had several choices of cold cereal from which to choose, such as Raisin Bran, Honey Nut Cheerios and Chex Cereal.  However, there was a red box with a guy wearing a bright blue suit that caught my eyes, Cap'n Crunch.
     We do not normally have Cap'n Crunch in the Worley Household.  I cannot figure out why we do not as it is definitely delicious and nutritious.  Okay maybe I am exaggerating the point, but it seems to go pretty fast whenever it is in our house.  But that morning, once I saw Cap'n Crunch all the other choices were insignificant.  I had to have a big bowl of Cap' Crunch.

     Fortunately no one else was around when I ate my bowl of Cap'n Crunch.  What would my wife say if she saw me eating such a wonderful breakfast?  What would my children do if they saw me eating Cap'n Crunch?  Perhaps they would sit down with me and we would have a wonderful father, daughter, son conversation.  It could be a bonding experience as we enjoyed this delicious American meal together.  Just think of the memories that we would have.  I could be imparting some wisdom to them as we sit around and enjoy a nice big delicious bowl of Cap'n Crunch.

     But no one was there to witness this meal, so I was left to eat my Cap'n Crunch in the solitude of my own crunching.  However, there is not really much nutritional value in Cap'n Crunch.  I am sure that if I ate a steady diet of Cap'n Crunch every day that my health would begin to reflect this poor choice of diet.

     The same principle applies to our spiritual life.  So often we are prone to take the easy way in our spiritual growth as well.  Instead of investing ourselves in those things that are really nutritional and valuable we spend our time in trivial and insignificant things.  Paul told the Corinthian believers that he would love to give them some solid food, but they were still enjoying the bottled milk too much.  They were not growing spiritually because they enjoyed baby food or in my words Cap'n Crunch. 

      Perhaps spiritual Cap'n Crunch is fine for some people, but there comes a time when we must move on to something that will truly sustain us and help us to grow to be all that God intends for us to be.  Are you tired of Cap'n Crunch in your spiritual life?  Let me encourage you to step out of your comfort food and dig into something with a little bit more bite to it.

      Here are some simple solutions to your ho hum eating habits.  Instead of listening to your normal radio station, why not try Christian radio and spend some time worshipping God while your driving.  Or better yet download some of my sermons and allow God's Word to speak to you.  Oh wait a minute we don't want you sleeping at the wheel.  On second thought forget that idea.  How about this one, instead of showing up five minutes early to the worship service, how about showing up five minutes early to Sunday school so you can get that chair by the teacher.  Maybe during the sermon time instead of nodding your head when the sermon is delivered, why not take some notes and study them later on.  Or maybe you could start the morning with a daily quiet time instead of the daily sports news or political news. 

     The point is don't go through your spiritual cupboard content with Cap'n Crunch.  Look for those things that will truly be nutritious and delicious.  Remember that Jesus said man does not live by Cap'n Crunch alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.  Okay I made that last part up, but you get the point.  Hopefully you are ready to move on to something better than Cap'n Crunch.  I know that I am!

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