Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bragging on Kinsey

     It is official, Kinsey Elizabeth Robertson is here.  I am now a grandfather.  I don't know much about being a grandfather.  I have never been one before.  I am not sure that I know what I am supposed to do or how I am to behave.  I am suppose to be wiser than all other people, because every one knows that grandfathers are the wisest of the wise.  I will have to work on that wisdom stuff, but the good news is to Kinsey I will be wise, because she want know any better.

     One thing I know for sure is that grandfathers are supposed to do is brag on their grandchildren.  So let me tell you that she is beautiful.  But don't take my word for it you can see for yourself.  Here is a picture of my grandaughter.  She might be calling out for her grandpaw in that picture.  Didn't I tell you she was beautiful.  You can trust me I am a pastor.

    Do they give classes on how to be a grandfather?  How am I suppose to be able to do all the things that grandfathers do if I do not know what grandfathers do?  I think it is a big job that grandfathers have and it should never be taken lightly.  Maybe there is a book around that is entitled "How to be a Wonderful Grandfather."  Even the name is a challenge to live up to.  I am not just a father, I am a grand father, which means better than a father.  WOW, I am not sure I am up to the task.  Kinsey deserves the best that I can give her as her grandfather.  I certainly do not want to let her down because she is depending on me to brag on her and to talk about her and to show everyone pictures of her.  I can definitely do that as here is another picture of my beautiful granddaughter.

I like this picture!  She looks so peaceful!  She doesn't even know that I am her grandfather.  Perhaps that is why she is so peaceful.  She does not know the tremendous amount of pressure that is being placed on me to be a granddad.  I hope I can live up to the hype!

But  you know I think she is worth it.  She is my grandaughter.  And even though I have only seen pictures of her and have not had the chance to hold her in my arms she already has a special place in my heart.  I am lucky to be a grandparent and I want everyone to know about my beautiful Kinsey. 

Speaking of someone who is proud, look at Kinsey's grandmother.  There is no way that she can be a grandmother.  She looks like she is the mother of Kinsey.  But that is another post.  I think she has read the book or something.  She looks like a natural to me.  Perhaps she can give me some pointers when she gets back to Illinois.

One thing I know that I am suppose to do is tell everyone I know about Kinsey.  The truth is that we talk about those we love most.  I don't have to read a book or take a class to know how to be a grandparent.  It should be something that is natural to me because of my love for my granddaughter.  I am excited about her and love her with all my heart. 

I think there is a spiritual truth for us to apply to our lives as well.  We brag about people we love!  As a matter of fact we probably can't shut up about it.  They have such an important part in our lives that we want everyone to know how much we love them. 

Do you feel that way about Jesus?  You don't have to be trained to tell others about Jesus.  You don't have to read books to be able to tell others about Jesus.  And neither do you have to  watch others to learn how to tell others about Jesus.  In the words of Nike, "Just do it."  It is kind of like being a grandparent.  No training involved, just brag and tell others about Jesus.  Talking about Jesus to others should be as natural as talking about our children or our grandchildren. 

By the way did I mention that I have a granddaughter?   Her name is Kinsey!

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