Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lights that shine

     I was reading in the news today about traffic lights that were causing accidents and even the death of some drivers.  How can that be you might ask?  Well as you know the world is moving to be more environmentally friendly.  As a result many communities have switched to LED bulbs in their traffic lights because they use 90 percent less energy than the old incandescent variety, last far longer and save money.  Their great advantage is also their drawback: They do not waste energy by producing heat.

     The result is the bulbs do not burn hot enough to melt snow and can become crusted over in a storm.  When this occurs the people cannot distinguish if a light is red or a light is green.  Obviously the law states that if a traffic light is obstructed that the light is to be treated as a stop sign.  However, you and I both know that sometimes people do not follow the simple rules. 

As a result workers have to get out in the cold to remove the snow and ice from the traffic lights.  Though other options are being considered, such as installing shields or heaters on the lights, people are still having to look at lights that are not functioning as they were intended to function.  A light is suppose to give light.  A light is suppose to provide guidance and direction to those that are looking at it or using it.  A light that does not function as a light is not much use to anyone.

Sometimes we are our own worse enemies.  In our efforts to please everyone and try to be sensitive to those around us we make decisions that affect our ability to function as we should.  I am sure the desire to use the LED lights is well meaning, but people have died because of these new lights.  They save energy, they have a longer life and they require less maintenance, but they cause accidents and even death.

     I could not help but see a spiritual equivalent with this story.  Jesus said that we are the light of the world.  He did not say we might be or that we have the capability of being a light, He said we are the light of the world.  Because we are the light of the world we are not to conceal our light, but to let our light shine so that they may see our good works and glorify our father in heaven.  Yet I am afraid that many of us are like the new LED lights and often times do not function the way we should function.

     Perhaps in our efforts to be accepted by others and be friendlier we don't shine like we should.  We might offend someone, so we don't shine.  Perhaps when things get difficult and the pressures of life are all around us we do not shine like we are intended to shine.   We are suppose to shine in the midst of the darkness.  We are suppose to point people in the right direction when things are difficult.  We are suppose to provide guidance and instruction in the midst of the chaos and confusion that is so obvious all around us.  

   The result is that people can't find their way.  People become confused and disoriented in the direction they are to go.  They don't know where to go or even how to get there.  There are some that might even die as a result that we are not shining as we should.  A light is suppose to provide light!

    How are you doing?  Are you bearing light in a world that needs light?  It is my hope and prayer that you will shine forth and show people the Way.  In the words of the old children's song "This little light of mine I am going to let it shine."  Don't hide but shine so that others can find the Way. 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Being prepared

     We have had a mini blizzard hit our area and I have experienced my first sub zero temperature.  The reading yesterday was 0 degrees, but the wind chill was said to be -20 degrees.  Being from the South, I have never experienced it being this cold. 

     Everyone has been concerned about us and asking if we are surviving the weather okay.  The Pastor Search Committee asked if I was thinking about reconsidering now that the cold has arrived.  I understand now why they do not consider a pastor until the Spring and summer.  Only kidding!!

     However, it has not been as bad as I envisioned.  The key for survival in the cold is having the proper attire.  I cannot dress the same as I always dressed and be prepared for the colder weather.  I need to wear a heavy coat.  Fortunately right now I think I have a heavy enough coat.  Yet even a coat is not sufficient to keep every part of you warm.  I also need to wear my gloves as putting my hands in my pockets does not seem to do the trick.  I also need to wear my muffler around my neck.  I have a really nice one that someone made me that does the trick.  Although I have not yet donned the cap, soon I will be wearing the cap to go with my winter attire.  The key is to be prepared for the colder temperature.

     Of course I try to limit my time outside as well.  I get in my car in the garage, take the kids to school, go to the office at the church and park as close to the door as I can.  It is fairly easy since I am the only one there so I get a primo parking spot.  I am fairly well prepared for the few seconds it takes me to walk to the door of the church.  The reason I can survive is that I am bundled up and prepared for the cold.  I hear it will get colder and I might have to make some adjustments.  Maybe the kids could walk to school and I could work from the house.  Somehow I don't think the kids would go for that!

     Whatever the case, the key is being prepared.  It is kind of like what Paul said about being prepared to battle everyday.  Paul said that we are in a battle with spiritual elements in the world.  We cannot see them, but they are there doing their best to bring us down and to damage the cause of Christ in the world.  That is why Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God so that we can stand firm against the attacks of the devil. 

     In order to survive the winter weather in Chicagoland, we must put on the whole attire.  Imagine going out in sub zero weather in short pants and a Hawaiian shirt.  We would not get very far before the the winter weather would begin to affect us.  Eventually we would freeze to death.  It is the same way when every morning we go out into the world without preparing ourselves for spiritual battle.  If we are unprepared it might kill us.

    So read your Bible every morning.  Say your prayers.  Be prepared for the battle that you will face each day.  You can't stay inside and you can't move South in this battle.  You are in it for the duration so you better be prepared. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Whiter than snow

     The first snow has finally made it's way to Illinois.  Not a big deal to my Illinois friends, but to this Texan it is a sight to see.  I have seen snow before, but normally in Texas it will dry up fairly quick once the temperature hits 70 by mid morning.  Anyway it is beautiful to see the white snow covering the ground. 

     My dogs are having a hard time knowing what to do with the snow.  When the first snow came and my Lab Toby needed to do his business, he did not know what to do.  As he ran out in the snow to find his familiar location he was confused.  Suddenly the scent had changed and the markings had changed as well.  He sniffed and circled, but could not find a spot to go.  Finally, nature won out and he was able to take care of his business.  My chihuahua, not that is a different story.  I want take time to talk about her on this blog.

     Seeing Toby walk in the snow and struggle with his old markings reminded me of something in the Scripture.  I know what you are thinking, what kind of warp mind do I have, that a dog doing his business in the snow would lead me to a spiritual truth.

     After David had committed his terrible sins he cried out to God to forgive him his transgressions.  In Psalm 51:7 David cries out "Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."  David desired that God would wipe the slate clean and he would once again be clean.

     That is what God does when we ask God to forgive us of our sins.  He washes us whiter than snow.  When we go to look back for the traces of our sinfulness, it is no longer there.  We can sniff and circle and scratch all we want, but our sins have been washed whiter than snow.  It is a wonderful concept when you consider the filth of our own sins and how much God has to wash away.  Why not use David's prayer as your prayer and ask God to wash you and make you whiter than snow.  Read his words again:

1 Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.

2 Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.

3 For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.

4 Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you are proved right when you speak
and justified when you judge.

5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.

7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones you have crushed rejoice.

9 Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.

10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

11 Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

May God richly bless you and make you whiter than snow.  And may you experience the amazing grace of knowing that your sins have been removed. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bragging on Kinsey

     It is official, Kinsey Elizabeth Robertson is here.  I am now a grandfather.  I don't know much about being a grandfather.  I have never been one before.  I am not sure that I know what I am supposed to do or how I am to behave.  I am suppose to be wiser than all other people, because every one knows that grandfathers are the wisest of the wise.  I will have to work on that wisdom stuff, but the good news is to Kinsey I will be wise, because she want know any better.

     One thing I know for sure is that grandfathers are supposed to do is brag on their grandchildren.  So let me tell you that she is beautiful.  But don't take my word for it you can see for yourself.  Here is a picture of my grandaughter.  She might be calling out for her grandpaw in that picture.  Didn't I tell you she was beautiful.  You can trust me I am a pastor.

    Do they give classes on how to be a grandfather?  How am I suppose to be able to do all the things that grandfathers do if I do not know what grandfathers do?  I think it is a big job that grandfathers have and it should never be taken lightly.  Maybe there is a book around that is entitled "How to be a Wonderful Grandfather."  Even the name is a challenge to live up to.  I am not just a father, I am a grand father, which means better than a father.  WOW, I am not sure I am up to the task.  Kinsey deserves the best that I can give her as her grandfather.  I certainly do not want to let her down because she is depending on me to brag on her and to talk about her and to show everyone pictures of her.  I can definitely do that as here is another picture of my beautiful granddaughter.

I like this picture!  She looks so peaceful!  She doesn't even know that I am her grandfather.  Perhaps that is why she is so peaceful.  She does not know the tremendous amount of pressure that is being placed on me to be a granddad.  I hope I can live up to the hype!

But  you know I think she is worth it.  She is my grandaughter.  And even though I have only seen pictures of her and have not had the chance to hold her in my arms she already has a special place in my heart.  I am lucky to be a grandparent and I want everyone to know about my beautiful Kinsey. 

Speaking of someone who is proud, look at Kinsey's grandmother.  There is no way that she can be a grandmother.  She looks like she is the mother of Kinsey.  But that is another post.  I think she has read the book or something.  She looks like a natural to me.  Perhaps she can give me some pointers when she gets back to Illinois.

One thing I know that I am suppose to do is tell everyone I know about Kinsey.  The truth is that we talk about those we love most.  I don't have to read a book or take a class to know how to be a grandparent.  It should be something that is natural to me because of my love for my granddaughter.  I am excited about her and love her with all my heart. 

I think there is a spiritual truth for us to apply to our lives as well.  We brag about people we love!  As a matter of fact we probably can't shut up about it.  They have such an important part in our lives that we want everyone to know how much we love them. 

Do you feel that way about Jesus?  You don't have to be trained to tell others about Jesus.  You don't have to read books to be able to tell others about Jesus.  And neither do you have to  watch others to learn how to tell others about Jesus.  In the words of Nike, "Just do it."  It is kind of like being a grandparent.  No training involved, just brag and tell others about Jesus.  Talking about Jesus to others should be as natural as talking about our children or our grandchildren. 

By the way did I mention that I have a granddaughter?   Her name is Kinsey!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Gifts

      The lights are on the house, the Christmas tree is decorated (even with lights that don't work) and the house is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  The only thinking missing is the smell of Christmas cookies coming from the kitchen.  In our family, it has always been a tradition to make Grandma's Christmas cookies.  The cookies are always a big hit as they are shaped like Santa Claus, and Christmas Trees and stars and Gingerbread men.  They are just your normal sugar cookie, but they were Grandma's sugar cookies.  Perhaps when my wife gets back from California, she will fill the house with the smell of baked cookies.  Or maybe Abbie and I will get adventuresome and make them ourselves, but that is another post.

      Christmas is a wonderful time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I mean the whole season is named after Him, so it seems pretty important to have Him in the center of it.  Some people go to the extent to not even decorate for Christmas, or even celebrate it on the 25th.  They do not buy gifts for their family or friends.  The reasoning for their activities is that we do not buy gifts for other people on our birthday, so why do we buy gifts for other people on Jesus' birthday? 

     However, at the Worley household we do buy gifts for one another.  We have gifts under our tree even today.  We celebrate Christmas Eve with the opening of gifts from one another.  We take our time and open one gift at a time and watch each person open their gift.  It is not mass confusion, but a time of deliberate celebration of each gift that was given by love to that person.  It is just one small way that we demonstrate our love for one another. 

     On Christmas morning we wake up to see what the man in the red suit brought to us.  Yes, we celebrate Santa Claus at the Worley household.  He always brings something to put in our stockings.  Sometimes he places a pair of socks or some candy.  Sometimes he places things in them that are funny and fun and other times he places things in them that are practical and beneficial.  It is a great time as we sit around the living room, drinking coffee, laughing and giving hugs and kisses liberally.  In all the chaos and confusion that goes on in the world, it is nice just to sit down and enjoy this special time together.

     For some people when they hear that we actually mention Santa Claus in our Christmas they cringe with fear.  How could I as a pastor allow such an idea to creep into our celebration of the birth of Jesus?  I must not really understand what Christmas is all about?  Yet at the Worley household, Jesus remains the center of our Christmas.  Our children have known the truth of Christmas from day one.  We read the Christmas story every year.  We talk about Jesus at Christmas time and celebrate the many blessings He has given to us as a family.  Our house is full of special nativity scenes that we have purchased in a variety of countries.  Some were very expensive and others were very inexpensive. 

     One year we purchased a nativity scene to place under our tree and it became the favorite object for our little ones to play with at Christmas time.  It was wonderful to watch our children play with the nativity set and watch them retell the story in their playing.  I know that it warmed God's heart to watch his little ones reliving the story of our Lord's birth.  Christmas is about Christ and without Him their would be no Christmas.  As a matter of fact without Jesus, how could we really have a happy holiday.  If there had been no Jesus, there could be no salvation.  What's happy about that?

     Perhaps you do not celebrate Christmas in your house the way we celebrate at our house.  You might not give gifts or receive gifts.  You might not decorate or even celebrate the season.  You might be a bah humbug type of guy.  But I love Christmas and the the tremendous blessings God has given to me as a person.  He demonstrated His love for me by sending Jesus to provide salvation for me.  He has blessed me with a wonderful family and many friends in which I can demonstrate my love for them.  At Christmas time we celebrate faith, we celebrate family and we celebrate friends.  I look forward to celebrating with you in the weeks that come.  I pray God will bless you this Christmas season.