Thursday, August 20, 2009

Are we really different?

I was reading in Mark 14 again today. I have been taking my time reading through this chapter because it is moving me through the last week of Jesus' life. It is holy ground and I do not want to gloss over it, but spend time allowing God's word to speak to me. I cannot imagine what Jesus went through during this time. I believe there were three battles that Jesus fought during this time. I believe He fought the spiritual battle, the emotional battle and the physical battle. Perhaps it represents the three components of our lives, but whatever they were real. Today I focused in on the emotional battle that Jesus had to endure. In three different events, this fact is revealed. First Jesus had no one to support Him in prayer. He told his disciples, in particular Peter, James, and John "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death . . .stay here and keep watch." He later told his three closest disciples to keep watch and to pray. But yet they were sleeping. He needed them to be praying for Him, but instead they could not do what they were asked. I believe it tore His heart up to know that He was doing the battle alone. The second incident is revealed in the betrayal of Judas. Jesus knew it was going to happen, but He still loved Judas. How it must have grieved His heart when Judas called Him "My teacher" (Rabbi) and then kissed him on the cheek. Can't you feel His heart breaking as this one that He loved turned Him over with a kiss. The final event is revealed when all of his disciples deserted Him. It is true that Peter stepped up and cut off the ear of one of the guards, but as soon as they discovered that Jesus was not going to fight, they all ran off. He was alone. No one to stand with Him and no one to walk the road with Him. I know that it happened so that Scripture could be fulfilled,(See Mark 14:27) but still don't you wish that one of them would have stood with Jesus? What an encouragement it would have been if John or Peter, or James or Andrew would have stood with Him and said "Jesus I am with you." But that was not the way it was planned. The writer of the great hymn expressed it well when he said "He died alone for you and I." So what are we to glean from these little snippets from the book of Mark? My question is are we really different? I believe we abandon Jesus every day. We do not pray like we should. You need an example, examine your own prayer life, but specifically examine your prayer life with other brothers and sisters. Second, how often do you call Jesus Lord and Master, but then your actions betray what you say? I probably do not need to say much more with that statement. Finally, how often when the battle gets really hard, you decide to turn and run? I have been guilty of this in my own life, but I have also witnessed it in the life of others. We like to think that we would do a better job than the disciples, but most of the time our actions give us away. But the good news of this story is that we know that Jesus will use this same group of ragtag disciples to change the world. I find encouragement in that fact. Even though I have messed up so many times and disappointed my Lord and my Savior, He chooses to still use me. I am overwhelmed by this fact. Am I any different than these disciples? No, just as God used them, He can still use me. Have you allowed your past failures to control your life? Do not give into your past, because Jesus still wants to use you for His glory and purpose.

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