Monday, March 14, 2011

What do people see?

     The other day I had an interesting visitor to my office.  I was sitting in my office working on a sermon for Sunday morning when a representative from another church dropped by to chat.  I did not know this individual or the church of which she was a representative.  She was from a nondenominational church closer in to Chicago and thought that they could offer assistance to our fellowship.  This church had been able to help many smaller churches to maintain a vibrant witness in their community.  They had been instrumental in helping 7 - 8 smaller churches by offering the pastor's teaching / preaching via webcast.

     The idea behind this ministry was to enable churches to keep their doors open even if they could not afford a pastor or their pastor was not a gifted communicator.  They offered their services free and they would even offer to let the church use their various materials for teaching children, youth and adults.  I appreciated the offer and especially thought the free idea was something missing in many larger churches today.  Too many of the larger churches charge for their services and I am not sure how Jesus would think about such things, but that is not the purpose of this post. 

     However, we did not need the services this church could offer and she left to look for another church that could be helped by their ministry.  However, the visit caused me to reflect upon the perception she had of Lynwood Baptist Church.  What caused her to believe that we needed help?  Lynwood is not what one would call a modern looking facility.  In many ways the facility is outdated when compared to modern facilities that people see every day.  What led this church to believe that Lynwood needed help? 

     I kick myself for not asking that question of my visitor, but perhaps she saw something that we might not see ourselves.  However, looks can be deceiving.  What one looks like from the outside might not reveal what is on the inside.  Lynwood is alive and well and God is moving in our midst.  People are coming to Christ and lives are being changed.  But those type of things cannot be determined by the outside appearances of a building.

     However, this visit made me look at things from another perspective.  What do people see when they look at my life?  Do they see someone alive and vibrant for the cause of Christ, or do they see someone that appears to be lifeless and void of any excitment?  You see I can read the Bible, I can memorize Scriptures, and I can even attend church services, but all of these things will not mean anything if I am not vividly living my Christian faith before a watching public.  People see what we do and what we say, not necessarily what we have in our heart.  What is inside should reveal itself by what we do, but you and I both know that is not always the case.

     Ask yourself the same question "what do people see when they look at me?"  Does your life reveal what is in your heart or does it reveal something else.  The Bible says that we will know who the true beleivers are by the fruit that they bear.  Fruit is seen on the outside, not the inside.  Think about  your life.  What do people see?

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