Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday worship

     Yesterday was a great day at Lynwood Baptist Church.  I began a new series of sermons entitled "What's so Great about Grace?"  I have been pretty pumped about this series as God put these words on my heart several months ago.  The worship team did a great job of putting together the music set and the videos that supported the message.  The banner / decorating team did a spectacular job creating the visuals to enhance the message and worship setting.  Though attendance was low, we did have several visitors in the congregation, which is always an encouragement.  

     The first message in this series was "Saving Grace."  It was the foundational sermon basically to remind us how good a deal we got when we received God's grace.  People were encouraged as God was able to minister to them through His word and through His servants.  If you missed the foundational sermon, you can still get a copy at Lynwood Baptist Church.  Hopefully before long you will be able to download it from our website.  Anyway, it was a great day at Lynwood Baptist Church.  You might want to mark your calendar for next week as the sermon series continues with "Amazing Grace."  This sermon will deal with how God gets rid of our guilt.  It really is amazing.

     The church body also voted to hire a youth pastor.  A search team was chosen and now we begin the process of looking for the right person for the task.  We have such a great group of teenagers at LBC and now is the time to take that step of faith and bring in someone to help disciple them and encourage them to be all they can be in Christ.  If you are reading this and know of someone who might be interested, let them know so that they can get in touch with us or we can get in touch with them.

     However, what I want to share with you in this post is that God is moving at Lynwood Baptist Church.  It would be hard for someone to know this truth unless they spend time around this wonderful group of believers.  They are beginning to see what God can do in our midst if we will just yield ourselves to Him.  Come and be a part of the "fellowship of excitement" and experience what God is doing in our midst. 

1 comment:

  1. I have found your sermon series on Grace to be a real blessing! They have challenged me, been thought provoking and encouraging! They certainly have been God-led! Thank you for sharing what God placed on your heart...thank you, Lord, for your amazing grace!
