Friday, May 21, 2010

Do people know?

I was watching Fox and Friends the other day and heard the story of a FEMA camera operator who would not take video of a group of Salvation Army volunteers clearing away debris from a recent tornado disaster.  The camera man asked them to change their yellow Salvation Army tee shirts to another shirt.  They kindly did remove their shirts and put on tee shirts from a local church that they were working with.  This move did not please the camera man either so he asked them to remove that tee shirt as well.  Needless to say the Salvation Army workers removed those tee shirts and put on some generic ones. 

Later the news reported that the camera man was removed from his position and FEMA made clear it that they value the partnership they have with their faith based partners.  I am glad to hear that, because normally the faith based organizations are some of the first to answer the call and almost always the last to leave.  I have seen this many times with the Southern Baptist disaster relief organization.  Long after the public assistance has moved on, faith based organizations are still on the ground helping people get their lives back together.  We give more than a hand out, we give a hand up.

However, even though this story irritates me about what this camera operator did, the response of Fox News Anchor Gretchen Carlson surprised me.  Mrs. Carlson remarked during the airing of this news program that she did not know that the Salvation Army was actually a faith based organization.  Has she been napping or has the Salvation Army not done a good job of communicating who they represent. 

I think there is lesson for us to learn from this episode.  We often do many good things.  We may feed the hungry.  Give drink to the thirsty.  Give clothes to those that need clothes.  We might help the sick and minister to the stranger.  We might even visit those that are in prison.  According to Jesus in Matthew 25, these are six acts of mercy that we as followers of Christ are to perform in our everyday life. 

However we must always remember that it is not about meeting the physical needs, but meeting spiritual needs.  Meeting the physical needs is not an end to itself, but simply a means to help meet their spiritual needs.  Did the Salvation Army forget the importance of this message?  Or did Mrs. Carlson fail to hear the message?  I cannot answer that question, but it does challenge us to ask if people know why we do our acts of kindness. 

Remember, Jesus said "let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven."  Do people glorify your Father when you do good deeds?  According to Jesus they should.  How are you doing? 

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