Monday, September 13, 2010


     I was reading the other day in Acts 16 about Paul's Macedonian vision.  Let me refresh the story to you or for those that do not know it let me share with you the basics of the story.  Paul's motivation was to always preach the gospel and minister to people that had never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.  He had already had one successful missionary journey and saw many people respond to the message of grace that he delivered.  As Paul was on his second missionary journey he desired to spread the gospel in the province of Asia, but was kept from entering into that region by the Holy Spirit. 

     We do not know how Paul was kept from this region or even why he was kept from this region, but whatever the reason, Paul knew it was God that was keeping him from spreading the gospel into Asia.  Having been hindered from entering the region of Asia, Paul and his companions tried to enter Bithynia, only to be hindered from this region as well.  I imagine by this time, Paul was becoming fairly frustrated.  He had a great message to share and his motivation was right, but God was not allowing him to go to the places that he wanted to go.  Surely questions must have been raised by Paul, even though we have no record of these questions or even if Paul became frustrated.  We can only assume and wonder what went through his mind.

     During the night Paul had a clear vision of a man from Macedonia standing and begging him to come to Macedonia and help them.  After having this clear vision, Paul and his companions left for Macedonia, where they began to preach the gospel in what is modern day Greece today.  The faithfulness of Paul to the vision he received from this unnamed man opened up Western civilization to the gospel instead of the nations of Asia.  How different things might look today if Paul had not been faithful to the vision he received.

     However, this post is not about Paul's faithfulness to the vision, but rather the way God opens doors for us.  When I began looking for a place to serve the Lord and preach the gospel, my desire was to stay in Texas.  I am after all a native Texan, I know the people, and my family all live in Texas with the exception of my daughter who lives in Los Angelos.  I at least wanted to stay nearby so that I could be closer to my aging parents and the rest of my family.  However, for over three years, God never opened a door for us in Texas or anywhere in the South.  It was as if the Holy Spirit was keeping me from that which I desired to do.  I could not understand and to say that I became slightly irritated would be a misstatement.  I questioned my call and wondered what God was doing in my life. 

     However, the Holy Spirit eventually placed it in the hearts of a group of people to contact me to come to where they are and help them.  These individuals were in Illinois.  It was not even on my list to consider.  Had God lost His mind when they called me?  What was God thinking?  They talk funny!  They might even think that I talk funny!  What if they don't like people from the South?  Will I have to wear a coat at Christmas time?  Do I even own a coat?  All of these things went through my mind as I considered the open door that the Lord had placed before me.

     Why had God closed all other avenues and opened this door for me?  I did not have an answer, but I decided to follow the path that God had provided for me.  I know that God led me to be pastor of Lynwood Baptist Church and that is a great encouragement to me.  Perhaps you are going through a similar experience in your life.  Things are happening to you and it seems as if the Holy Spirit is hindering you in what you want to do.  Do not lose heart, but keep being faithful to what you are doing and trust God to show you His plan in His timing.  He has a greater plan than you can even imagine.  Stay tuned to Him and He will direct your path.

     God did great things through Paul as he spread the gospel to Philippi, Thessalonica, Barea, Athens, Corinth and Ephesus.  The lives he touched and the churches he planted became the catalyst for a great movement of the Holy Spirit throughout the Roman empire.  We do not always understand why God closes one door and opens another, but we can always be sure that God's plans are perfect and fit in with His Story. 

     I still do not know why God brought me where I am, but I am confident of this much: he is going to do something great!  Perhaps you are in the place where God has led you, but you struggle with why you are there.  Stay with me in my next post and perhaps we can discover the answer together.  Thanks for being faithful where you are and I pray that God will use you in a mighty way. 

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