Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lights that shine

     I was reading in the news today about traffic lights that were causing accidents and even the death of some drivers.  How can that be you might ask?  Well as you know the world is moving to be more environmentally friendly.  As a result many communities have switched to LED bulbs in their traffic lights because they use 90 percent less energy than the old incandescent variety, last far longer and save money.  Their great advantage is also their drawback: They do not waste energy by producing heat.

     The result is the bulbs do not burn hot enough to melt snow and can become crusted over in a storm.  When this occurs the people cannot distinguish if a light is red or a light is green.  Obviously the law states that if a traffic light is obstructed that the light is to be treated as a stop sign.  However, you and I both know that sometimes people do not follow the simple rules. 

As a result workers have to get out in the cold to remove the snow and ice from the traffic lights.  Though other options are being considered, such as installing shields or heaters on the lights, people are still having to look at lights that are not functioning as they were intended to function.  A light is suppose to give light.  A light is suppose to provide guidance and direction to those that are looking at it or using it.  A light that does not function as a light is not much use to anyone.

Sometimes we are our own worse enemies.  In our efforts to please everyone and try to be sensitive to those around us we make decisions that affect our ability to function as we should.  I am sure the desire to use the LED lights is well meaning, but people have died because of these new lights.  They save energy, they have a longer life and they require less maintenance, but they cause accidents and even death.

     I could not help but see a spiritual equivalent with this story.  Jesus said that we are the light of the world.  He did not say we might be or that we have the capability of being a light, He said we are the light of the world.  Because we are the light of the world we are not to conceal our light, but to let our light shine so that they may see our good works and glorify our father in heaven.  Yet I am afraid that many of us are like the new LED lights and often times do not function the way we should function.

     Perhaps in our efforts to be accepted by others and be friendlier we don't shine like we should.  We might offend someone, so we don't shine.  Perhaps when things get difficult and the pressures of life are all around us we do not shine like we are intended to shine.   We are suppose to shine in the midst of the darkness.  We are suppose to point people in the right direction when things are difficult.  We are suppose to provide guidance and instruction in the midst of the chaos and confusion that is so obvious all around us.  

   The result is that people can't find their way.  People become confused and disoriented in the direction they are to go.  They don't know where to go or even how to get there.  There are some that might even die as a result that we are not shining as we should.  A light is suppose to provide light!

    How are you doing?  Are you bearing light in a world that needs light?  It is my hope and prayer that you will shine forth and show people the Way.  In the words of the old children's song "This little light of mine I am going to let it shine."  Don't hide but shine so that others can find the Way. 

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