Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's your vision

     I read a story once about an elderly lady who lived in a small valley, hemmed in by towering mountains.  All her life she had wanted to make a trip over to the other side of the mountains, but there had been too much to do, too many babies to feed and care for, too many cornrows to hoe.  Now she was a great grandmother, with nothing but time on her hands.  One day her lifetime dream was granted.  Her grandson came and offered to take her to the otherside of the mountain.  She rode up to the top of the mountain, but just before they reached the summit where she could look down in the valley below, she told her grandson to stop.  Her grandson responded "But Granny, you have always wanted to see the other side of the mountain.  Why don't you want to see it now?"  Granny responded "Yes, sonny.  I did, but I have spent so many years imagining the beauty of the sight that I just could not stand to be disappointed.  Drive down, and let me keep my dreams."
     Like Granny, many people and many churches miss the opportunity to see what is on the other side.  They get a glimpse of what God can do, but because they are too involved in what is going on or too comfortable with their surroundings, they miss the chance to see what God can really do with them.  As a result too many of us and too many churches are content to live in the valleys of human experience and never venture any further. 

     For this reason, we need a vision.  We need a vision from God and a vision for God.  I have been in situations where I have had a glimspe of what God could do only to be brought back down to the valley because of my own failures or the lack of vision of others.  Either way the vision was never experienced.  I long to see what God can do when we are completely dedicated to Him and the purpose He has for our lives.  What about you?  Do you have a vision from God that transforms you and your thinking or are you content to stay in the valley of your dreams?  It is my prayer that you will not be like Granny.  Take the challenge.  Discover God's vision for your life.  It will change you and will change those around you.  Do you have a vision that God has given to you?  I would love to hear what God has revealed to you and perhaps others would as well.

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