Monday, August 31, 2009


Years ago, before my time, the Rolling Stones had a hit entitled "I Can't Get No Satisfaction." Though I do not know all the lyrics, it went something like "I can't get no satisfaction. I can't get no satisfaction. And I tried and I tried . . . but I can't get no satisfaction." Perhaps some of you remember the lyrics better than I do, but I think you get the idea. At the risk of being disrespectful I wonder if Jesus sings these words occasionally? Can't you see Him looking down on us and saying "I can't get no satisfaction?" What led me to think on this idea was my reading in Mark 15 today. Mark 15 is the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. He was led before Pilate to be sentenced and Pilate knew that the Jews were envious of Jesus. He knew that Jesus had committed no crime and was an innocent man. However he was afraid of public opinion and "wanting to satisfy the crowd" (Verse 15) he allowed Jesus to be crucified. Now I realize that Jesus was preordained to die for our sins, but this phrase caused me to think of my situation. How often am I prone to satisfy the crowd even when I know it is not the right thing to do? I preach a sermon that will step on toes, so I decide to change the idea so that I will satisfy the crowd. I make a decision about the direction of the church, but yet it is not popular so I decide instead to satisfy the crowd. Consider your own situation. You are around the coffee pot at work refreshing your cup of coffee when a crude joke is being told. Instead of walking away you say nothing or you join in. Why? Because you want to satisfy the crowd. Or perhaps you are in a business luncheon and everyone is ordering drinks so instead of abstaining you choose to join in. Why? You want to satisfy the crowd. All of your friends are having a cookout before the football game, which will mean you need to miss church, and you choose to satisfy your friends? You can probably think of any number of scenarios to consider. While we are here trying to satisfy the crowd, Jesus is saying "I can't get no satisfaction . . .I tried and I tried . . .but I can't get no satisfaction." Just a thought and I hope that you are not offended. But then again I am not trying to please you as much as I am trying to get you to think if you satisfying Jesus with your words and actions. There is an old hymn that says it well. "I am satisfied. I am satisfied. I am satisfied with Jesus. But the question comes to me, as I think of Calvary, is my master satisfied with me?" What do you think?

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