Monday, July 6, 2009

Going Fishing

Yesterday was my first official day as pastor of Lynwood Baptist Church in Oswego, Illinois. After the services we had a fellowship down on the Fox River in downtown Oswego. As we were visiting and getting to know the church family I noticed some people fishing in the river. There were many different people fishing with a variety of fishing gear. One person was very sophisticated as he was fly fishing. Never really been a fly fisherman, but it was interesting to watch him go through the motions of casting toward the deeper part of the water. Another fisherman was using a small rod with a bob on it and was not casting as far as the other. One individual used a Barbie fishing rod, but I did not actually see them fishing, but I would guess it belonged to a new fisher woman. There were others there as well with many different kinds of bait to attract whatever fish they were trying to catch. It is interesting that I witnessed these fishermen and women yesterday because my daily quiet time today was chapter 1 of Mark's gospel where Jesus called his first disciples to follow Him and He would make them fishers of men. These hardened fishermen knew a lot about fishing, but they probably knew little about fishing for men. Yet Jesus promised that He would help them be the kind of fisherman that can make a difference in someone's life. As I thought of the fishermen and women at the river and the story of the early disciples I wondered what it will take to be an avid fisher for men here in Oswego. Being from Texas what worked there may not work here. The bait might need to be different depending on the fish you are trying to catch. The style of fishing might be different in a lake than it is in a river. The equipment could be different depending on what you are trying to catch. I certainly would not want to use a Barbie fishing rod to catch a large Catfish or to do deep sea fishing. I have to know my fish, the location and how best to attract them with the bait. I asked myself this morning and asked God in prayer to show me how to be a fisher for men here in Illinois. I have the right bait, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but what must I do to help others be attracted to the bait. Think about your own situation. What do you need to do to make the gospel appealing to those you meet? What works for your neighbor may not work for your coworker or other friends. What might you need to do to be an effective fisher for men and women? In order to be a good fisherman it will require the right bait, the right equipment and patience. But most of all it requires a close connection to the master fisherman, Jesus. He is the one that calls us to be fishers of men. Have you answered His call? If you have I would love to hear your fishing stories.


  1. Four years ago, I was part of the FAITH program and had the correct equiptment to witness. I was excited about witnessing each Wed evening and the excitement rolled over to my personal life and I witnessed to friends and coworkers. Since that time, I haven't been as agressive in my witnessing. Without the ongoing experience I have lost some of the confidence I previously had in witnessing. I would like to get out my equipment and go fishing for men again.

  2. Thanks for your contribution and I am sure your remarks are similar to what many of us experience in our own lives. We often look for a sponsored event so that we can share our faith with others. It is a great way for us to be accountable to something we should be doing. I was reading a book recently that said the NT church never really had a visitation program perse, but that every person just shared their faith with whomever they met and were given an opportunity. I want to encourage you to share your faith with whomever God gives you the opportunity. I am encouraged by your words to do the same as well. Instead of making an opportunity to do so, I will look for opportunities to do so. Thanks for your words.
