Friday, January 29, 2010

New life in Christ

     In a post on November 23 I wrote about a ministry opportunity that God gave us to serve one of our local members who was having some issues with her house.  In the process of ministering to this sweet lady, God opened a door for us to minister to her neighbor who was experiencing some struggles of her own.  Our team ministered to her that day, prayed with her and shared Jesus with her.  On the Sunday after our visit with her, she attended the morning services with her young son.

     Yet the story does not end there.  We continued to reach out to her in a variety of ways.  Abbie, one of the young ladies in our church developed a continual relationship with her through texting, phone calls and visits.  She constantly encouraged her to attend worship with her and even invited her to attend Sunday School.  Eventually this young lady became a more permanent visitor to Lynwood Baptist Church and the extended church family began demonstrating the love of Christ to her.

     I always tell the members at Lynwood that love is something we do not something we say.  Afterall God demonstrated His love to us, not just sat up in heaven and talked about it, or dreamed about His love for us.  He demonstrated His love by sending Jesus to die for our sins so that He could have a relationship with us.  It was wonderful to see Lynwood Baptist Church reach out and demonstrate the love of Christ to this young woman and her son.

     The good news of this story is that yesterday at around noon, this young lady accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior.  She discovered that God's love would not let her go and she wanted to respond to the love that she experienced from Him.  In her words "We would not leave her alone."  She is now our sister in Christ.  She is family and we will continue to support and encourage her in the days, weeks and months that lie ahead.  God was drawing her to Himself and He used Lynwood Baptist Church as His instrument to demonstrate His love to her.

     Do not misunderstand what I am saying.  We cannot "save" anyone, for only God can save.  Yet we can be used by God to demonstrate love and to communicate His love so that God can truly move in people's lives.  People often say that God is going to bring people to Himself with or without us.  That could be true, but God chose to leave us here on earth when we became followers of Jesus, so that must mean He wants us to help Him out somehow.  Imagine that!! the King of the Universe invites us to help Him!  

     I want to encourage you not to grow weary in doing good.  Keep helping people during difficult times.  Keep loving on people not with words, but with deeds.  Allow yourself to be His hands, His feet and His voice and minister to people.  You may not see results immediately and you might never see the results, but God will still work through you.  Because of the efforts of Abbie and the rest of the church, this young lady experienced new life in Christ.  God used His Church to demonstrate His love.  Have you demonstrated God's love to someone this week?  Why not start today!  You never know whose life might be changed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Relevant Worship

     I am hesitant to write about the subject of worship, because everytime I talk about worship I find myself in trouble.  Worship is one of the most controversial subjects that a person can talk about in Christian circles today.  I don't believe it should be, but it is a hot topic.  I think it is controversial because it gets into styles and preferences and individual taste.  Probably none of these things should enter into the conversation, but nevertheless they do.

      The idea of musical styles was brought to light once again when I took our youth group at the church to a recent youth event in Springfield, Illinois.  It was a time of intense worship, instruction in the word, fun and fellowship.  We took 10 teens and everything went well with no problems of any kind.  The event was sponsored by Illinois Baptists and had musical guests of Superchick, December Radio, Addison Road and worship led by 1000 Generations.  Much of the music would be classified as a little more rockin than what would typically be in a worship service.  However, it spoke volumes to the teens who were in attendance.  To say the least, the music spoke their language.  Our teens were standing up at the front, jumping and singing to the lyrics when in church we can barely get them to sing a song. 

     This whole event caused me to remember a time when we were serving in Guatemala as missionaries.  We were planting a church in a squatter village and trying to use what little resources we had available to lead the little church in some songs.  Many of the songs were those that we grew up singing in church, but of course they were in Spanish.  However, the people had a difficult time singing the songs no matter how hard they tried.  Part of the problem was that many of them could not read that well, but for the main part the words were just unfamiliar to the people.  We decided to change our philosophy and began using simpler songs with a simple melody and all of a sudden they began singing with a renewed energy.

     This event caused us to look at worship from a different perspective.  The people were not able to sing enthusiastically because they did not know the songs nor the words.  But once we simplified it so that they could understand it suddenly the songs became relevant to them.  The same situation occurs in churches in America.  If a person grew up in the church they might readily be able to sing and even appreciate the great songs of our faith.  However, if we are trying to attract new people that may or may  not have grown up in the church, how is the music going to speak to their hearts?  This dilemma is especially relevant if we are striving to reach unsaved individuals.
     The truth is that there is a new generation of worshippers on the scene that craves something new, something more expressive of their desire to praise and give adoration to God.  The church should seriously examine worship so as to create an atmosphere where people can connect to God.  The desire of the church should be to bring as many people as we can into His presence to worship Him.  Nothing touches a person's heart like genuine worship and nothing will draw a people to a Holy God than experiencing His people truly worshipping God in Spirit and in truth.  One individual comments that newcomers will judge a church by a church's worship.  They will make judgments about the quality and philosophy of a church's ministry based on the first twenty minutes in worship.  If they like some aspects of the service, but do not like the worship, they most likely will not be back.

     We might not want to hear these words, and in our efforts to praise our own avenue or style of worship we may point an accusing finger at them, but it does not change the fact that the people are not coming or are dropping out.  Churches must take seriously the change in worship that is brewing in America.  In the words of one Christian recording artist, "there's a real move of the Spirit of God sweeping across America, especially among young people.  You're seeing people really falling in love with God, and so they're dying to find something that they can sing, something that will express what they want to say."

     Too many churches have refused to seriously consider this new trend in worship.  I know as a Southern Baptist we are typically 10 - 15 years behind the trends.  Yet the majority of people under the age of 50 are looking for something that expresses their true feelings and the church is not providing the place for them to do so.  Contemporary recording artist Michael W. Smith expressed the feelings of many of his generation when he stated, "I grew up on Elton John and the Beatles and Billy Joel, and I just wanted to do pop music and share my faith through that."  Many people are looking for music that communicates their faith through the popular music they listen to on the radio.

     For the most part people do not listen to choir music, hymns or organs on the radio.  This fact is especially true for the younger generation.  Therefore the music that the majority of churches are using in the worship services is not speaking to the younger generation.  As a result we send them away to special events where their language is spoken and they suddenly open up in a way that we do not normally see.

     The point that I am trying to make in this post is that the style of worship should never be a barrier to effectively communicating the gospel with the majority of the people.  We must remember that our desire as a church should be to bring as many people as we can to worship God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  We do not want to have anything that will create a barrier to reaching people.   We want to create an environment in worship where people feel welcome and want to come back.  Worship is one of the best tools for evangelism and should not be taken lightly.  Not only should true worship touch the heart of a believer, but it should draw others into the presence of a God as well.

     I have a lot more I could write on this subject, but I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.  I have written as much lately because I have been busy with many different things, but I love it when people respond.  You always give me something to think about and I value your input.  Talk to you later.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tiger Woods, Hosea, Israel and Us.

     The news media has been salivating to get the latest scoop on Tiger Woods.  Of course they are no longer interested in his golfing skills, but in his infidelity to his wife.  I have a hard time understanding why Tiger would seek satisfaction outside of this marital ties, but he is not alone in his efforts.  Tiger's infidelity has cost him in many different ways.  His wife has left him and I do not know if she will return.  He has lost millions of dollars in endorsements as well as his potential earnings on the golf circuit.  His credibility is gone and public support is not in his corner. 

      The golfing industry will take a big hit as well.  I read somewhere that golfing will lose anywhere from 200 - 250 million dollars in revenue since the number one player in the world will not be playing anytime soon.  It is a sad situation and my heart goes out to his wife, children and Tiger himself.  I do not know him and probably never will, but I pray that he can find the help he needs and restoration is still possible.

      Tiger's life is not much different from the life of Gomer in the Old Testament.  You might remember that Gomer was the wife of Hosea the prophet.  He was new in the ministry and his wife was a prostitute.  Imagine the scandal that erupted on the 10:00 news when word got out that the local preacher and prophet was married to an adulterer.  Probably did not lose too many endorsements.  He also did not have to worry about losing any future revenue since everyone knows that prophets did not work for money anyway.  But would his message be received?  Now that is a different story.  Nevertheless as we read the story, we know that Hosea married Gomer even though he knew the type of woman she was.  He went into his relationship with a woman that had a roving eye and looked for satisfaction in other relationships than the one she had with Hosea. 

     The Bible is clear that Hosea's relationship with Gomer was to be a living example of God's relationship to Israel.  God loved Israel and was faithful in His love for her.  He provided her with everything she needed to be successful and to be a blessing to others.   She was given a wonderful place to live.  In fact everyone else wanted the land of Israel as well.  God provided her with a land flowing with milk and honey.  It was abundant and it was beautiful.  God met Israel's daily needs and lavished His goodness upon her.  Whatever she needed God was able to supply.  Yet Israel, much like Gomer and Tiger, was not satisfied.  Instead Israel went looking for love, happiness and satisfaction elsewhere.  Yet even as they went looking for love in all the wrong places, God still loved Israel.  His love is amazing and we really cannot understand it.


      However the parallels are not finished.  God loves us as well.  He has given us the most wonderful gift that anyone could ever give to another person and that is His precious son Jesus Christ to give us salvation.  He loves us with a love that we cannot begin to understand.  What do we do in return?  We look for love, happiness, and satisfaction in other things.  Perhaps we look for it in a relationship or in an object.  Maybe we think in the back of our mind that if we could just have a different spouse, or a different car, or a different job, then we would really be happy and content in life.  But the answer is to look to God and he will meet all our needs. 

     Perhaps the Bible has more to say about life than many care to admit.  Some have said that life imitates art.  I do not know if that is true, but I can definitely see where life imitates the stories in the Bible.  If life imitates the Bible then maybe the answers to all of our problems might be located in the Bible.  I pray that Tiger Woods will look to the Bible to find the satisfaction he seeks, but more importantly I pray that you will look to the Bible as well.  Once you discover the truth, the Bible states that the truth will set you free.  You will be free to live life as God intended you to live with Him having priority in your life.  Instead of looking for love in all the wrong places, why not look for love in Christ and find true love.  He will never leave you or disappoint you and the benefits are out of this world.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Prayer for the New Year

This is my New Years prayer for you this year.  Not original with me, but borrowed from Paul in Ephesians 3:14-21.  Pray that you have a great new year and that God will bless you and yours.

"I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name.  I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.  And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen."